While the outlays of funds via the US Agency for International Development (USAID) accounts for very little of the overall US budget expenses, it is time to re-evaluate the need of many of the recipients. Some are truly needy; but some have grown accustomed to America's largesse when we can’t even afford to care for ourselves.
It amounts to billions of dollars each year which WE borrow only to give it all away. Here is one idea. How about if those countries go to the country (read China) and see if they will give it away directly without the US being the middle man and incur unnecessary debt for someone else.
And how about, instead, we stop giving it to countries who align against us while gladly running out with our tax dollars. After all, if they hate us already, then they can hate us for free. Yes?
We don’t need to pay them to hate us. Or while they vote against the hand that feeds them.
In the coming month, the Trump Administration will review if assistance is "aligned with President Trump's foreign policy agenda." Seems like a reasonable approach.
"Decisions to continue, modify ot terminate programs will be made following this review," as stated in a memorandum from SecState Rubio within a reasonable time frame. And reason dictates that eighty-five days is sufficient time to reasonably decide.
It is amazing when reasonableness enters into the decision-making process. It seems most reasonable.
Then, reasonable people will reveal their decisions and the reasons for why they were made.
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