Saturday, October 29, 2016

James Comey's Epiphany and ANOTHER Hillary Scandal - Surpised?

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It was July 2 when FBI Director James Comey was preparing to release the results of at least a year-long investigation into the infamous Hillary Clinton deleted emails. And then, because his boss and the then-presumptive Democrat nominee's husband met on an airplane in Arizona just before Independence Day, he didn't.
Instead, on July 5, he chose to stick his evidence and his b@||$ up his @$$, hoping no one would notice.


Then, since that time, he has dawdled and danced to avoid stepping on the land mines he himself threw out there. Until, surprisingly, he had no choice but to blow himself up on Friday in order to save his and his beloved FBI's reputations by making a statement that "new evidence" was just revealed in the Clinton email mess.

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As a sidebar to this latest debacle, the Lame Stream Media has finally, FINALLY reported on this scandal at length, at least on Friday and again, on Saturday morning. I venture to think it won't last, though, because they need to report on the latest Khardashian narcissistic event, in order to keep us distracted from what is really happening in America.

Back to Comey and Clinton.

It was revealed that since July 5, Comey has received an inordinate number of resignations, mostly from the men and women who worked tirelessly for months to uncover the evidence he ultimately suppressed for political reasons. Also, many of his agents have avoided talking to him unless absolutely necessary. Instead, they walk right past him with barely even a nod.

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Now, with these new revelations, he has re-opened the case on his own, without even letting his boss, Loretta Lynch, know that he was about to countermand her orders from July. I guess his b@||$ were starting to hurt. Or maybe, he went back and re-read his oath of office. Who's to say? But the man had an epiphany.

Clinton thinks, by her demanding now that the evidence be released publicly, that by doing so, people will come to her side and support her more so. But, as Ms Clinton knows, as even an attorney whose license was suspended, Comey cannot reveal the evidence until the investigation is completed, or any released evidence would be inadmissible in court, should she be indicted.

And of course, James Comey is in the proverbial "stuck between the rock and a hard place" position. He is damned by Hillary supporters because he released his statement that "new evidence" came to light and jeopardized her chance for election, and he would have been damned had he not mentioned it until, say, a month from now, Hillary ended up being elected, and then having to recommend indictment on one or more charges of criminal, and potentially, treasonous behavior.

Either way, he was in a "no-win" position, all because he lacked the guts to do his job in July. Talk about a lesson learned!

But, ultimately, I believe he did what was right, not expedient, by providing reasonable doubt in the minds of Americans. At least, the voters will be able to make an informed decision to know Clinton tried, once again, to gain election under questionable circumstances, by deception and by playing the system to her own advantage.

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As a footnote, although the evidence hasn't been released as of this writing, speculation by many includes a belief that sextist Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin's estranged husband, is the smoking gun in this latest pile of evidence, and that he could actually be the catalyst to bring down the entire Obama Administration, Hillary and Huma, and even his mentor, Senator Chuck Schumer. His self-proclaimed alias, Carlos Danger, might just be perfectly attributed.

These last ten days of the 2016 election cycle will be none like we ever saw. Hang on tight and don't let go!

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