Good news for Social Security recipients! You will be getting an increase for 2017, which is a lot more than you did in 2016. The average increase will be... hold on to your seat... a whopping $5 a month!!
Now you will be able to get those two cans of Progresso soup you wanted or an extra loaf of bread each month. Yay for you!!
But wait! If you are a Medicare Part B Supplemental participant, your insurance could increase by $20 and if you have Medicare Part D, your premium could increase by as much as $15. So your net loss of income will be $30 a month from 2016 to 2017, but Michelle Obama's mother will get $160,000 a year for the rest of her life to take care of her grown grandchildren.
Seems fair to me, yes?
There is something seriously wrong when our low and middle income elderly citizens are going to be worse off next year because we are living longer, but the rich and powerful need not worry about their next meal or doctor visit. Thank God a sexual predator like Anthony Weiner will continue to get his full Congressional salary as a pension and full taxpayer paid health benefits for the rest of his life, leaving him more time to lay around the house, take pictures of his junk and tweet them to unsuspecting, innocent teenage girls.
Do you see where I am going here?
How about the illegals and the refugees who are here will now get full medical benefits and social security, who never paid a nickel into the fund, but your parent or grandparent who worked his or her entire life and paid into the fund with every check they earned, gets to live on cat food because, somehow, the rules were changed to tie increases of social security benefits to the Consumer Price Index and inflation rate, factoring in DECREASES to items which are commodities like gasoline, but not accounting for the huge jump in essentials like food costs, creating the illusion that the economy is better. In in case you were wondering, I am not siding with either the Democrats or Republicans on this issue. They are both guilty of screwing our seniors.
Is any of this fair?
I dare even one Member of Congress in either party and in either House to call for a salary increase of only .3%, that's three tenths of one percent, annualized, for the next year to the current $178,000 minimum annual Congressional salary. Not one will have the b@||$ to do so. He or she would be censured and a vote to evict him or her for even thinking of such a treacherous and anti-"good ole boy" thought.
Ah, yes. America, Land of Opportunity - for the rich, powerful and special interest groups. Seems like a fair deal, at least for these people.
But, a big and loud Fook You to America's disenfranchised senior citizens.
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