I am glad to see that Douglas Schoen, a Democrat Party strategist, come out on Sunday to rescind his endorsement of Hillary Clinton. I will tell you that when I used to watch Fox News, I always found him to be a reasonable voice for the Democrats, as opposed to the shrill and angry voices of Bill Burton, Leslie Marshall and so many others who argued against the Republican counterpoint person in these mini-debates.
I also saw an Op-Ed article in the liberal Chicago Tribune call for Democrats to demand that Hillary Clinton step aside, since she is now nuclear. You and I know that she is so narcissistic, she would NEVER put the good of the country, or her party, above her own peevish and selfish interests.
Now would be a good time for the Washington Post, the New York Times, Newsday on Long Island and so many other print, digital and electronic media entities to revisit their endorsements of a potentially indicted person for her violation of America's national security and other trust factors. If they don't, and she is convicted of felonies against this country, how would they be viewed by reasonable people in the future as respected entities whose views and judgements we could trust?
Not very much, in my view. Unless, of course, you want to read through the puppy poop the papers will be good for going forward.
And for all of you who will still blindly support and vote for Hillary Clinton, with all this potentially criminal action swirling around her, I want you to answer this, at least, to the person in the mirror: How do you square justifying this action by Hillary with your denigration of Richard Nixon for his actions?
If you say that it is only circumstantial evidence against Hillary, well guess what? It was also only circumstantial evidence against Nixon as well, since he was never convicted of any crime. Nor, by the way, was he even impeached. He resigned, never admitting guilt, ever. We assumed he was guilty because of the overwhelming CIRCUMSTANTIAL evidence. And with that logic, folks, so is Hillary.
It is ironic that just last Monday, Tim Kaine, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Red and so many other Democrat establishment elites were quoted as saying that there was no one in government better than James Comey, that he was an honest and forthright, independent, public servant, doing the people's business. Today, he has become worse than scum to these same people. When Obama hired him to be the FBI Director, he did so because he felt that he admired Comey's independent character when Comey was George Bush's FBI Director. Hmmmm. Not so much now, Barry?
And, finally, how does all that egg look on the faces of the entire Bush family, John Kantor, Jimmy Carter, Colin Powell and all the others who feel that Hillary Clinton is the greatest thing since sliced bread? They sold out their American principles for the sake of the Bildeberg and look what you get for that? Association, even if only by presumption, with a potential resident of Ft Leavenworth.
It is amazing how Lady Karma plays her game, isn't it? When you least expect it, thinking you will actually get away with your schemes, she throws it all right back at you, in this case, with the worst possible means: through the actions of a known and admitted sexual predator, who was sexting with a fifteen year old girl, on the same computer that your most trusted aide stored 650,000 of your emails, which you thought were to be deleted and erased for all time. Uhm... NOT!!!
So, as I said on Saturday in James Comey's Epiphany and Another Hillary Scandal - Surprised? , these last few days "will be none like we ever saw. Hang on tight and don't let go!" If you do, you will be certainly left behind with the confluence of all these last minute events.
And how will YOU vote when the dust clears?