Saturday, April 4, 2015

A Miracle Prayer for Passover and Easter

Azizen Pesach. Christos Anesti. Surrexit Dominus. From now until next Sunday, Jews and Christians will be greeting each other with terms such as these as they wish a Blessed Passover or a Happy Easter to friends, acquaintances and family the world over.

Perhaps the passion of the greeting is more deeply felt this year than in years past, as the angst in our country and the general turmoil throughout the world has never been as fearful at least since height of World War II.

We have had unrest and tension since 1945: the Cold War, Korea, the Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam, the Afghan and Iraq Wars. Other countries, as well, have had their conflagrations. But, at least in my lifetime, I can't remember such contempt, such anger, such hate for one man (or woman) against another.

Can you?

We have seen Catholics and Protestants in Ireland, Hindus and Muslims on the subcontinent, and even Israelis and Palestinians kill each other. All in the name of God.

But none of these conflicts can compare to what we are witnessing today. The religious leaders of Iran lead the masses into chants of Allahu Akbar, and also call for the Death to America and Death to Jews. These are the people who will now have free reign to build and ultimately use nuclear weapons against its enemies, thanks to the current, lawless regime in the United States.

Radical Islamists have stolen a great religion and are killing other human beings, because they are not Muslim, on a scale not seen since the height of Hitler's Nazis. And unlike the days of the Holocaust, when the brutality was uncovered well after the gassing and cremations occurred, today we can see it all live or seconds after the beheadings, or burnings, or shootings happen, thanks to our technology.

But instead of standing up for American values of Liberty and Justice for all the victims, the current usurper of the office of President of the United States and his henchman attempt to justify this criminality by the radicals as an excuse for jobs creation. Idiots!

Trust me. I am going to say something which will sound crazy, but once you consider the prophesies we were taught from the Bible, the Qu'ran, Nostradamus and even more modern seers as Jeane Dixon, Edgar Cayce and others, it just may be possible that the third Anti-Christ is already among us.

We are witnessing many of the events foretold about the End Times, with diseases, weather events, war, brutality and other significant apocalyptic circumstances not seen before. It seems we are at the precipice.

Perhaps, then, we truly need to use this week of friendship and peace to remember why Passover and Easter exist. For those of us who follow the Judeo-Christian traditions, even in a minimalist fashion, we understand that God is powerful and through prayer, He can work miracles. For Jews, the miracle of Passover is told at the Seder Table and revisited at Shabat. For Christians, the miracle of Easter is replayed during Holy Week and each Sunday.

So this weekend, as Passover and Easter are celebrated together, please offer a prayer for world peace and for the dark hearts of evil men and women to be enlightened. That is the miracle we need now, immediately, before the hate so many people have takes it to a level from which we will not recover.

Or, I fear, at this time next year we could be someplace so horrible we cannot even imagine its breadth.

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