Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Evil Which Presides in America

In 1938, Neville Chamberlain and Edouard Daladier signed the Munich Pact with Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, which carved up Czechoslovakia and, ultimately, gave Hitler carte blanche to overrun Europe and to kill over 12 MILLION innocents, including 6 MILLION Jews. When the crematoria and concentration camps were finally discovered in 1945, the horror of the Holocaust was totally unfathomable and yet, undeniable, to the people of Germany, as they had turned a blind eye to what they knew was happening throughout their country.

During the 1940s, many attempts were made by decent German people and soldiers, as documented in the story of Valkerieto assassinate Hitler and the leaders of the Third Reich. The last known attempt occurred on June 21, 1944.

Now, we see the same atrocities being committed by the Islamic State, with the tacit support of the United States via its President, Barack Hussein Obama, who to me and others is more concerned how he is viewed in the Middle East as a supporter of Islam than as a supporter for the Constitution he swore to uphold.

As I  wrote on Facebook on Friday, in response to Pamela Geller's link about Two Gay Men Being Stoned to Death by ISIS"what will it take for liberals and the media in this country to condemn Obama for his complicit acceptance of Islamic behavior for its crimes against humanity? He is as guilty now for his support of these crimes as Chamberlain was of Nazi atrocities. Why can't you people see this? Are you “color” blind??

"Impeach, Arrest, and Imprison Obama for his crimes against the Constitution of the United States and for his crimes against humanity."

This criminal, and he is a criminal according to UN protocol and the Geneva Conventions, not to mention our own Sacred Document, has stood by and done NOTHING as Americans, Brits, Middle East Christians, Muslims, Jews and Yazdi have been butchered by the New Nazis which are flourishing in the Middle East and Africa. Call them what you will, they are radicals which have stolen a great religion and are using its middle age concepts in the 21st century world as a means to their end, which is world domination under an Islamic Caliphate.

So, to all you Obama supporters, who claim to be for people's rights, how do you look at yourselves in the mirror each day and still believe Obama is the right man to lead this country and lead America in the world? Do you REALLY think he cares about human rights while he allows ISIS to torture and kill men, women, children and infants without fear of retribution? This is the man you believe is good for humanity, a man who has YOUR values??


My friends, could it be you are mesmerized by his oratory, much like the Germans were of Hitler and the French were of Napoleon, the two men that many believe fulfilled the first two of the prophesies by Nostradamus of three Anti-Christs?

If he is not impeached and imprisoned now, what do you think is going to happen when his term is done in January, 2017? I believe he has higher aspirations to be the unelected leader of the world. He, like Hitler and Napoleon, is a megalomaniac. And he will have ISIS under his spell.

This man is not what you think is. He is Evil Incarnate.

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