Monday, April 6, 2015

Liberty and Justice for None

It is amazing that the Left Stream Media, which claims it stands for civil rights, has not written about FEMA's actions and training of our nation's pastors to help implement Martial Law. In the United States of America.

Thankfully, we still have Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press in this country, although for how much longer, with the criminal who violates the Constitution at every turn, still in the White House. Anyway, I am fortunate to follow Kevin Jacksonthe founder of theblacksphere.netHe is a moderately conservative man who publishes articles which stand for American Constitutional values.

Anyway, I found an article which originally appeared in Tea Party Crusaders and was posted to his site. The article, called FEMA Trains Pastors to Prep for Martial Law, reports that two pastors were dismayed by what they were required to say and do, and had the guts to blow the whistle on this whole practice.

FEMA has been charged by the Obama administration with the task to establish a federalized police force, as a result of what occurred in Ferguson and New York City last year. This sounds eerily like the Schutzstaffel of Nazi Germany, better known as the SS.

What is going on here? And when does the Congress, namely John Boehner, finally  do its and his job? When does he instruct the House Judiciary Committee to draw up Articles of Impeachment?

Andrew Johnson was impeached because he didn't like the method Northern Congressmen established for Reconstruction. Bill Clinton was impeached because he lied about not knowing that oral sex was sexual relations. Richard Nixon resigned rather than face impeachment for abuse of his power.

But Obama can violate the Constitution with his executive orders and creation of a secret police force, commingling church and state in the process?
Yet, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, the Washington Post and The New York Times remain silent. What is so blessed about Obama that puts the fear of an "ungod" in the LSM? What could this criminal have on Sulzberger or Bezos to keep their publications from reporting a true abuse of power by Obama and his henchmen?

What seems to concern Disney, Comcast, Viacom and Time Warner more, the truth or profits? If I were a betting man, you could sure I would say profits motivate all these companies.

Certainly not the truth.

Well, remember that Hitler came to power using the democratic process of the Weimar Republic. And then, mysteriously, events took place for him to declare himself in charge for life, using all the enforcement mechanisms he set up.
It could happen here. And one day, we may wake up and find that the last five words of the Pledge of Allegiance will be changed, if not outright eliminated.

Then, Obama's "Transformation of America" promise he made as he ran for his first term will be complete.

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