Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Coming of Tel Meggido

Sixty five years ago, in response to the creation of Israel, a group of Arab countries set up an entity called the Arab League to protect any Arab or Muslim state from attack by it. Ironically, the member states activated its agreement recently by attacking not Israel, but rather, other member states.

Egypt attacked Libya for the killing by ISIS, which now dominates Libya's "government", of 22 Egyptian Christians. And just this week, Saudi Arabia attacked Yemen, another member state, due to the Iranian-supported Houthi rebels which overthrew the legitimate Yemeni government.

Other member countries have come to the aid of Saudi Arabia, more due to its fear of Iran, including the UAE, Qatar, Kuwait and Jordan. Even relatively  distant countries like Pakistan, Morocco and Sudan are supportive of both the Saudi and Egyptian actions. And Israel is not even a blip on the tip of anyone's tongue.

Except Iran's American ally, Barry Soetoro Hussein Obama. Ironic, isn't it?

For those who thought the Arab Spring was a peaceful revolution to overthrow barbaric dictators, how is the ISIS-Iran summer looking now? Not so good, I fear. With Obama's tacit support, Iran and ISIS are marching through the Middle East with impunity.

Where does that leave Israel in this nightmare? Thankfully, both Egypt and Jordan, with a lesser extent, Saudi Arabia, understand the need for a secure and peaceful Israel. The Egyptian and Jordanian peace treaties with Israel remain strong.

Presently, Iran controls a huge piece of the Middle East. Syria, Lebanon and now Iraq are client states of the theocracy. Essentially, the old Persian Empire is rising like a phoenix from the ashes of the Arab Spring. I wrote about this on June 12, 2014 in my commentary, The Iraqi-Afghani-Iranian Empire Connection where I discussed Iran resurrecting the Persian Empire as a nuclear-powered theocracy. Looking at what is transpiring in the current Iran Nuclear negotiations, it will come to pass.

As for the rest? This summer and autumn will be very telling, especially if Iran beats (?) the West at the game of Nuclear Chicken. Since it appears that Barry and that other traitor, John Kerry are on the fast track to complete this deal with Iran, and obtaining NO CONCESSIONS from it, the other countries involved in the negotiations are powerless to stop it from happening.

Then, ISIS and Iran could set the world on a course of utter destruction, all in the name of "Allah". These people are mad, crazy fanatics, who have no regard for the sanctity of human life. So who cares if 300 MILLION or more people die in the quest of total world domination? Not the mullahs in Teheran. Not the butchers of the Islamic State.

As for the Arab League? It is but a pawn in the greater chess game being played out in the cradle of civilization. As the heat of summer raises the desert air temperature, the fires of human destruction may burn hotter than Hell itself throughout the region, once believed to be the Garden of Eden, as ISIS and Iran march through the Middle East, knowing not even the United States will stop them.

Maybe it is time to re-read Revelations or the works of Nostradamus. The events as they are playing out on the world stage are eerily familiar to both.

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