Wednesday, June 11, 2014

High Crimes and Misdemeanors in Play

Ten days ago King Barry was strutting his bum out to the Rose Garden with the parents of deserter Bowe Bergdahl to take credit for the WONDERFUL deal he made with terrorists. This was praised by our illustrious SecState John Kerry. The next day, his National Insecurity Advisor, Susan "Lie Like a Rug" Rice strutted out to the Sunday talk shows (except Fox) to tell America that "Sgt. Bergdahl served with honor and distinction."


Almost immediately, the bipartisan push back from Members of Congress, led by Diane Feinstein, began. Well, Harry the Horse's butt, Barry's waterboy, was using the old standby, "what difference does it make?"

Of course, Barry, ever looking for a photo op, went to Poland to work out, like he didn't know there was a camera present. And then he proceeded to push back against the pushback.

But the Congress and the media (bestow my heart) weren't buying it. Instead, they continued to question, investigate and report each day every little detail of Bergdahl's behavior and lack of illness, which was the original reason for the quick deal with terrorists.

So, Barry and Susan and Harry and John spouted off something about not leaving a soldier behind. Do they really believe this? Let's review.
Private First Class Bowe Robert Bergdahl, Unit...
Private First Class Bowe Robert Bergdahl, United States Army. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Do the names Tyrone Woods, Sean Smith and Glen Doherty sound familiar? Weren't they soldiers? Or maybe because they were Navy Seals, that doesn't count. Or Chris Stevens? Wasn't he an important member of our government? Maybe not.

How about Pastor Saeed Abedini? You know, the AMERICAN clergyman languishing in an Iranian prison? Maybe, because he isn't a Muslim cleric, it doesn't matter, at least not to Barry and the gang. 

Or how about Sgt. Andrew Tamoorhessi, sitting in a Mexican jail because he made a left instead of a right?  Doesn't he matter? I guess because he is a Marine and not a soldier, he doesn't qualify for any kind of trade with Mexico, our partner in NAFTA.

Now, today, we learn that Barry didn't make the decision to trade terrorists for a deserter, even though he was taking all the credit two Saturdays ago. No, today we learned it was SecDef Chuck Nagel who is now in charge of making those deals. 

You can't make this stuff up, friends. It was reported in the late Tuesday online edition of The Daily Mail that Nagel made the final call for the prisoner swap. I guess if things go great, Barry is the Man of the Hour, but if there is even a scintilla of criticism, somebody else is at fault.

Like the old Bill Keane cartoon The Family Circus, there must be little gremlins running around the Oval Office, Ida Know and Nott Me? Like the old Hogan Heroes Sgt. Schultz used to say, "I know nothing"? Yeah, that's the ticket! Let's see if this nonsense will work.

I think "ENOUGH" is now the word which needs to be yelled loud and clear from the top of the Capital by all Members of Congress, if they believe the oath they took. Well, Harry won't, because he is the Obama lackey in the Senate.

On May 30, I wrote a commentary called “The (Un)Impeachment of Barack Obama”  where I indicated that impeachment of this man was impossible because there wasn't enough support in the Senate to convict. Now, I believe that with this outright criminal violation of the Constitution by this President, that he didn’t consult with the Congress beforehand and gain its consent,  and the fact that he negotiated with terrorists in violation of the very law he signed, he deserves to be removed from office as quickly as possible, and dragged out of the White House in handcuffs.

We chased Richard Nixon from office over his cover-up of a third-rate burglary over which the Democrats and the media were calling for his impeachment and removal from office. If this lying criminal isn't removed now, then what crime will it take for the Congress to do its job?

One more point I feel is necessary to be made here. Perhaps our esteemed Members of Congress need a lesson on a concept called “Misprision of Treason.” Black’s Law Dictionary defines it as:

 “The bare knowledge and concealment of an act of treason or a treasonable plot, that is, without any assent or participation therein, for if the latter elements be present, the party becomes a principal.”

 If nothing is done now, then every member of the 112th Congress of the United States will forevermore be collectively and individually considered co-conspirators to the the worst violation of our Constitution in our history. That, my friends, would be the biggest crime of all.

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