Monday, February 22, 2016

Predicting the Obvious

Today is February 22, the long-standing remembrance of George Washington's Birthday, before the advent of the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, Pub.L. 90-363, an act of Congress, which moved many Federal holidays to Monday. But this commentary is not about that law or Washington's Birthday. Instead, this is about a prediction.

I know many in my family and many of my friends, who still support the current occupant of the White House, will tell, or have already told me, that I am wrong for supporting Donald Trump for PresidentBut, I don't care.

I believe he will right the wrongs the current fool, and all the fools before him, has inflicted on our great country. Not since Reagan has the American people been this energized for a better day in America.

The idiots who claim to be informed because they are in the media, know less about understanding the psyche of the great Silent Majority than someone who doesn't know where that term originated. Why? It's because they are know-nothing elitists.

Donald Trump is resonating because the majority of the American people are sick and tired of the lies the so-called leaders of both major parties have told to us for years, reneging on those promises, to instead, pay off obligations owed to lobbyists, donors and the corrupt money peddlers who buy the candidates of both parties. People like Soros, Steyer and the Koch brothers.

Donald Trump is doing it the old-fashioned way, putting HIS money where his mouth is. He is taking no money from any entity and will be beholden to no one. Yes, he and his campaign are selling hats, tee shirts and other artifacts. But, from what I have seen, nothing costs more than $25. Not the millions which would make him obligated to special interests. He will be obligated to only one group - you and me, the American electorate.

In order for him to win the nomination, he will need 1,237 total delegates which is 50% plus 1By March 15, over 1500 delegates will have been chosen by the voters.

I believe and I predict that by that date, Donald Trump will have won 800 or more delegates, which puts him at two thirds of the number necessary to win the nomination. After that date, he WILL RUN the table, because the obvious will have crystallized in the minds of the voters, who will vote for him, so they can say they voted for a winner.

As for the general election, Donald Trump will defeat the Democrat Party candidate, by margins not seen since the Reagan landslides. People are tired of both parties' has-beens and wannabees. Too bad no one in the media yet understands this. The Establishment is done.

Trump is no longer the leading voice in a movement. He is the leader of a 21st Century revolution, the likes we may never see again.

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