Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Apparently, the NFL and CBS Promote and Condone Racism

I wonder what would happen if idiot racists like Beyonce and her jerkweed husband had to provide and pay for their own security to perform their anti-police, hateful crap they and their idiot fans call music?

Would they scream "racism" if the Baltimore Police said, "screw you, bitch" when she goes there to perform later this month?

It is about time, especially in this month as we remember Black History, that the racism of Beyonce and Obama and Sharpton has destroyed all the gains made in this country since the Civil Rights battles of the 1960s, and the martyrdom of Rev Martin Luther King Jr.

I am sick and tired of Black Lives Matter and other anti-white movements in this country. I believe ALL Lives Matter black lives, white lives, Asian lives, Latino lives - and anyone who promotes one over another is a pathetic, racist, bigot, son of a bitch. That includes the hateful man in the White House now.

His job is supposed to bring us together, you know, promote the general welfare. Instead, he has promulgated the biggest division of the people in this country since the Civil War. He is, by all accounts a true racist, one who Dr King would castigate if he were alive.

Sheriff Clarke had the balls to make the comments he did and he is being demonized by the Obama - led racist crowd, being called all kinds of disgusting names. Hey, Obama, I guess you agree with these @$$holes.

And the NFL? I think Roger Goodell owes an apology to the fans for this disgraceful display of hate on the field of its milestone game. Did he not get a preview, even in writing, what the content of the show would be? If you didn't, Roger, you are a Dumb@$$.

As for CBS, they should have bleeped the entire halftime show, for its hateful and racist performance by this racist. If you have the nerve to bleep people in your regular programming for offensive language and gestures, then what the hell did you think this was? Oh, that's right... ratings, dollars, and a blind eye.

Ironically, it was CBS who broadcast the Janet Jackson "wardrobe malfunction" on February 1, 2004. People were enraged because her nipple was exposed for a few seconds. People should be more so enraged now because for twenty minutes, HATE was broadcast into the living rooms of 320 MILLION Americans who had no recourse but to either watch this racist display or turn the channel.

As for me, I will be sending this commentary to the NFL Offices in New York. What can you do? Call the NFL at 212-450-2000 and express your displeasure to them for condoning this hate - filled display during their presentation. They take credit before and after each televised event. Therefore, they condoned this racist, hateful, anti-police display on their show.

Going forward, I will continue to speak out against the NFL unless Roger Goodell apologizes for this display of hate on his show.

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