Saturday, March 14, 2015

Tapes and Emails

If you saw the movie "Nixon" by Oliver Stone, you will recall a line in the movie when Nixon, standing in the Oval Office, asks to no one in particular, "What is it about me that makes people hate me so much?" He then rattles off a list of reasons.

Then, later in the movie, in a conversation he has with his wife, after she tells him he should have burned the tapes, Stone shows him to have a sense of moral, as well as, personal responsibility with his response, "I can't. They are evidence. You can't destroy evidence.  And they are mine."

And other than 18 1/2 minutes, which were probably accidently erased, no matter what the Nixon - haters want to contrive, the remainder of the tapes are secured by the National Archives, jointly with the Richard Nixon Library and Museum.

Which is a lot more than can be said about Hillary's emails.

This is the same Hillary who served as an attorney in 1974, of the impeachment inquiry staff in Washington, D.C., advising the House Committee on the Judiciary during the Watergate scandal. And who was allegedly fired for improprieties.

And yet, she has the audacity to laughingly say that SHE felt it was confusing to have more than one email. So, before she took on the job of SECSTATE, she had a server put into her home, where SHE could control access, accountability and disclosure of specific emails and/or topicsOr delete unflattering or questionable ones.

The two stooges who work at the DOS now, Jenn Psaki and Marie Harf, have taken on the role of Ron Zeigler in this parody. They will try to block, deflect and even lie in order to protect Hillary

And unlike during the Watergate nightmare, when the media doggedly chased down every clue, every hint of impropriety that revolved around the 37th President and his team of co-conspiratorsHillary Clinton gets a free pass, collects two million dollars and is trying to head to the White House. With nary a peep from the devoted, driveling left stream media.


Oh... and the "President" of the United States had the nerve to claim he heard about the Hillary email problem "on the news". He didn't know when he received emails from her that they were not from or another government approved, secure web address? Is he stupid? Or does he think we are? I know, ask Jonathan Gruber to answer that one.

When will the media begin the prosecution of Hillary on this violation of government protocol? I know, I know. She didn't violate any law because it wasn't spelled out the way it is now, so therefore she is exonerated. How convenient. Except not all the emails are preserved or backed up. Allegedly, Hillary claims, 30,000 may be gone. Really? She knows the number??

But then, using this logic, neither did Richard Nixon violate any law for having a tape system, as did every single president from FDR to Obama. Except that, he was forced to reveal what was on the tapes and eventually, a "smoking gun" was found.
And Nixon didn't destroy evidence against him. Except for 18 1/2 minutes. And he was chased from office and castigated for that.

Hillary? According to Obama, "She was a great Secretary of State for me." I wonder why. Don't you?

I saw a headline the other day, as I am sure you did, which had a picture of a pensive Hillary with the words "Deleter of the Free World" on the side. I am sure there is more to the story than meets the eye. We shall soon see.

And for the Nixon Legacy? Never forget that even the liberal Oliver Stone was fair to reveal that Nixon recognized it was a criminal act to destroy evidence and other than 18 1/2 minutes, all of the other Nixon sins are there for all to see.

Can we say as much for Hillary?

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