Thursday, April 25, 2013

CISPA and You

We are at a crossroads of the current America and a new America. Democrats and Republics, Liberals and Conservatives, Libertarians and Independents, and others of no political persuasion all need to take heed of what is going on.

After 9/11, the Congress passed the Patriot Act, which required tighter control to identify ourselves when entering into a financial or other transaction, so that a record would exist of the individual engaging in said activity. In addition, when we travel by air or sea, we have to subject ourselves  to body scans, take our shoes off, pat downs and other activities which violate our person and our privacy.

Now, because the government cannot protect its and our electronic infrastructure with the ongoing cyberwars that seem to exists between governments, the House had passed and the Senate is about to pass CISPA, the Cyber Information Security and Protection Act of 2013, a law President Obama asked for in his most recent State Of The Union Address.

The intent of this legislation is for companies to share information with the federal government to help the government in its war on cyber violations. As the bill is presently constructed, the Obama Administration has said President Obama intends to veto the bill. However, if modifications are made to the President's liking, he promises to sign it.

Think about what this means: companies that you and I do business with will be turning over your information to the government without your permission. Additional strangers will have access to your life, greater chance for identity theft will exist and further violations of your right to privacy will occur. It also is a violation of the 4th, 5th and section 1 of the 14th amendments.

While the legislation may be well-meaning, as with other laws that give the government unbridled access to your information, abuse of the law is possible, if not now then at some future point. This is Americans giving up more freedom and security for the benefit of the state. Do we really want this?

It is each of our responsibilities as Americans to write our Senators and ask, no, demand that they vote against CISPA when it comes up for a vote in the next few weeks.

How long before we give up all our freedoms for the good of the government? If this continues, "Animal Farm" and "1984" will be our realities.

And THAT is unacceptable.

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