Monday, April 15, 2013

America's Immigration Solution

In today's Washington Examiner, Byron York writes about the "Gang of Eight" and the immigration bill it is prepared to submit for consideration by the Senate. At first blush, it appears to resolve several issues concerning both sides of the issue.

Primarily, border security along the southern border is addressed in several ways. The Department of Homeland Security will be required to issue a "notice of commencement" which means it will be able to police 100% of the border and capture at least 90% of those crossing the border illegally. Similar programs will be in force at out airports and seaports. Surveillance and follow up will be key to the success of this piece of the program.

The second part of this legislation involves enforcement of E-Verify. This puts the onus on employers to make certain their employers are here legally and that verification of status is confirmed. All employees will be required to produce a passport or drivers license from states that require identification via federal ID's.

The third piece requires that the illegal person has to complete several obligations. He has to pay a fine, pay back taxes, be fingerprinted, and sign a statement that says he has been here continuously since December 31, 2011, and did not commit any crime. He then becomes a Restricted Provisional Immigrant.

In each area, there are time issues which will probably be negotiated before a final bill is voted on. But this is a good first step to comprehensive immigration reform. The senators who worked on this have worked hard to do the right thing,  be fair to those here and to resolve issues that will prevent a future immigration problem.

What all sides need to keep in mind as they debate this bill, is that a lame duck President Obama, could, by executive order, legalize everyone here as he readies his departure from office, making it difficult if not impossible for the next president to overturn that order. That would be the nightmare scenario.

So, it is up to us to convey to our representative and senators to vote in favor of the legislation which will ultimately resolve our border issues and put those people here now on a path to citizenship. We are a nation of immigrants. And one of our monuments, the Statue Of Liberty, actually says "give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free".

That's why we are here. And that's why they came here, too, to live the promise that our nation affords everyone, more than any other nation.

Isn't it time to do the right thing?

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