Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Coming Disaster in Ukraine

I read a very brief, but excellent commentary about the similarities between 1939 Poland and 2014 Ukraine from The Minority Report called, appropriately, Poland, September1939:Ukraine, September 2014.

As you know, I also am a Contributor to The Minority Report. I have mentioned this for full disclosure purposes. However, my approval of AWR Hawkins' piece has no bearing on my relationship with TMR. I do not know the writer. But, at least, someone else has written now as I did in February and March, and several other times.

I wrote several commentaries pertaining to the events in Ukraine as they were unfolding at the time. These include The Ukrainian Coup d'EtatIt's a Mad, Mad, Mad WorldAs The World Burns and Russia,  Europe and the USA.

There are others, but you get the point.

Vladimir Putin is trying to reassemble the old Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, of which Ukraine was one of the key players. I have said in several commentaries that he would call the new entity he creates the Eurasian Union or some other less intimidating, less offensive name.  No matter. It is coming.

Sadly, Barry, Angela and David sound eerily like Neville and Edouard. They bluster toward Vlad with their fingers crossed, hoping he will back down. Just like Nev and Ed blustered at Adolf.  And we all know how that turned out.

In any event, just know that sanctions against the Russian Federation will not work; they never do. In the end, economic sanctions hurt the country placing them as much as they hurt the country against whom the sanctions are placed. But, at least, the country which places them can say it has done something against the aggressor, right?

As far as the UN doing anything meaningful, well, if I were a betting man, I would put my eggs in the Russian basket. Vlad thinks he has a sure thing and so do I.

Ultimately, this is an excellent analogy of the Nazi-Poland threat of 1939 and the Russian-Ukraine disaster about to explode possibly into World War 3. Apparently, Obama never heard the expression "those who fail to understand history are doomed to repeat it". We are at that point in Ukraine.

To think anything less is just foolishness and wishful thinking. And Vlad knows it.

In fact, he is counting on it.

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