Sunday, September 14, 2014

Obama? Face It. You ARE Inept!

How many more, Mr President? Can you please answer that? Or are you so disengaged that you are willing to just run out the clock and hope Clio, the Muse of History, forgets how truly inept you are at protecting and fighting for Americans languishing in jails around the world?

And, by the way, why are they? Did they do something terrible, you know, like assassinate the leader or some other important person in that country?  No, sir, they did not.

Instead, they are in those hellholes because they are, uhm, Americans. THAT is the crime they committed.

And the leaders, yes, LEADERS, of Iran and Mexico and North Korea and elsewhere know YOU have no BALLS to demand their immediate and unequivocal release. You are a mealy-mouthed, chicken-$#!+ who is more concerned about keeping your worthless Peace Prize than standing up for Americans. 

These leaders have had your number from before you became President, knowing you spoke in platitudes of nonsense. You have shown the world you are nothing more than a paper tiger. With no balls.

Why do you think Putin, Iran and ISIS ignore you? You are a pushover who still wants to blame others for your own ineptitude, your own total weakness.

Foreigners who reside in American jails live in the lap of luxury compared to Americans in foreign prisons. Terrorists living in Gitmo have more rights and freedoms than Pastor Abedini, Matthew Tahmooressi and Matthew Miller, and others.

You traded five murderous terrorists who wish nothing but death to Americans for a traitor to his unit, to his platoon, to his country, and had a huge photo-op with his parents, as you negotiated with terrorists. But for the families of James Foley and Steven Sotloff, you and your administration threatened prison for them for attempting the same.

And then, after you spoke so weakly about Mr Foley's beheading, you went and played golf, fist-bumping your partners like you had not a care in the world. You know what?  You don't.

You are a weak, gutless, evil man who has no business being President. You have destroyed us on so many levels. And you have the losers of the left wing media carrying your water because they are blinded by the oratory of your words rather than reporting on the darkness of your actions.

You are the most inept President this country ever had and we don't have to wait for Clio to write it. You will be judged instead as worse than Jimmy Carter.  And that is going some. At least Carter tried to free hostages.

You have freed only terrorists and traitors. Good luck with that legacy. You can't blame President Bush for THAT.

Barry, you earned it all by yourself.

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