Sunday, September 21, 2014

Barry and His "Peace Prize Preservation Policy"

It has been almost six weeks since James Foley was beheaded. Where are we in destroying ISIS? Anywhere?

Yes, we have heard Barry tell us how evil this entity is, but they are getting stronger and more brazen as Barry waffles and folds like a cheap suit. Anyone out there who thinks This Islamist has America's interests at heart, you are deluded fools.

This man has the best interests of only himself. I don't think he even cares about his wife and his children. If he did, he would have allowed our military do to ISIS what should have been done a year ago, two years ago.

Instead, he orders the military to do NOTHINGWhy is that, do you think?

Since it was announced in August by ISIS that Mr Foley was beheaded, ISIS has announced it beheaded two other innocents and probably countless others. In addition, it was reported by Fox News and other news entities that Australian officials stepped up security after it was discovered that a plot to capture and behead Australians was uncovered.

So what did The Islamist in the White House do? That's right. NOTHING.

I finally realized why. It is about the Peace Prize. It is the "Peace Prize Preservation Policy". Why else would he do NOTHING to protect us?

It is a shame, an absolute embarrassment as an American and as a human being that the current occupant (and that is what he is, folks, an "Occupant") doesn't understand the words spoken by President Kennedy in his Inaugural Address. You know the verse:

"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty."

This guy is all about protecting himself. Heck, he doesn't want to protect us, even on our porous southern borderISIS has threatened to raise its flag on the White House. The easiest way for it to gain entry is the southern border.  And yet, NOTHING.

To all you bleeding heart blind fools: it is not about compassion for the disadvantaged in Central and South America. Cloward-Piven is becoming a reality here and beheading of Americans on American soil could be, too. The Islamist cares only that the world loves him; and that you do, too.

He promised to "fundamentally transform" the United States.  Well, he is, my friendsUnless we finally take back our country by "transforming" the Senate back to Republican control, nothing will stop him in his final two years.

He will have transformed America to something from which we may not recover AND he will have preserved his worthless peace prize (lower case intended). That will be his legacy.

And we will be worse off for it.

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