Monday, June 24, 2013

The Israeli-al-Qaeda War

The Obama Administration announced last week that the US was going to now send arms and munitions to the Syrian Rebels, which include al-Qaeda, and other identified terrorist groups. Now, I agree that it is a tragedy that almost 100 THOUSAND Syrians have been killed during this one-time civil war. But with the addition of al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, al-Nurah, etc, along with background troops and arms assistance from Iran and Russia, it no longer a war between Syrians.

Instead, with our involvement into a fourth Muslim war since 2001 (Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya were the others), we have once again stirred anti-American sentiment throughout the Muslim world. It doesn't matter that Russia is also supplying weapons to the Syrian government; the US, the hated Crusader, is now involved. And of course, anti-American and anti-Israeli hostilities will be voiced in the UN, as it usually is, when we involve ourselves militarily anywhere in the world.

And, don't forget that Iraq, the country we spent billions in treasure and thousands in lives to secure freedom from a barbaric, neo-nazi dictator, is now allowing Iran to flyover unfettered to deliver weapons to its client-state, Syria. So much for any Status of Forces Agreement that was never entered into at the end of the Iraq War, which would have prevented this activity.

So now, we have shored up the Jordanian government with additional support troops, as Jordan is one of our Muslim "allies" in the region. And by giving weapons to the "rebels" in Syria, what is the next country in jeopardy? That's right folks. Israel is next on the radar. And we gave weapons to al-Qaeda to accomplish this.

Now, our other Muslim ally in the region is Turkey, which, due to its plurality of Christians in-country, has, since 1918, been ruled by a secular government. But understand this. Turkey is in turmoil, with Muslims attempting to convert the country to an Islamist state. And essentially, that would be the end of our relationship, as we know it, with Turkey.

So, soon we will have the makings of a real-live Armageddon, fought in the fields of Megiddo, the ancient battleground prophesied in the Bible's Book of Revelation or Apocalypse. I am certainly not discussing any religious aspect here. It is the idea, instead, that this region has been a tinderbox for millennia, much like the Balkans or the Crimea. And now it is ready to explode.

Israel, who is our only REAL ally in the region, is now gearing up its protection on four fronts: with Lebanon (Hezbollah), Gaza (Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood) the West Bank (again, Hamas) and now, Syria, with all the aforementioned groups involved. And now that Russia is putting ships into the Mediterranean, could that be Israel's fifth front?

No American President, all the way back to President Truman, has left  Israel in such a predicament. While President Obama says he supports Israel, his actions and that of his administration, tell otherwise. I debated this issue constantly with the late Ed Koch, who felt I was overblowing Obama's disdain for Israel. I am glad he is not here to see he was wrong.

Trust me on this point. Israel is in jeopardy here. Soon, al-Qaeda and its minions will overtake Syria, with our help, and turn westward to the Golan Heights. This is a sore point to Arabs and Muslims since 1967, and retribution will be accomplished by the "new" Syria. And once the Heights are retaken, the vantage point into Israel will be secure.

Al-Qaeda will have a treasure trove of tons of chemical and biological weapons the American military never found in Iraq. And be assured. Iran will make peace with the new Syrian government because Iran is opportunistic. Al-Qaedan Syria will agree because, in spite of our intelligence that says otherwise, Iran has nuclear capability. This will work well for Syria in the coming war with Israel.

And what will the United States do? Probably nothing, if it starts with President Obama in office. He will lead once again from behind. Perhaps, it won't matter anyway because the tinderbox will have been ignited.

I saw the movie, The Sum of All Fears, this weekend, which has many great subplots. One of the Neo-Nazi characters said, "Hitler was not crazy, Hitler was stupid. You don't fight America and Russia. You get America and Russia to fight each other. Then you take over the world from the ashes of that battle." Is that the Islamist philosophy?

The time to resolve this nightmare is short. It's not if, but rather, when, the Israeli-Al-Qaeda War breaks out.

We are doomed when it does.

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