Monday, June 17, 2013

Field Trips

Short, sweet and to the point. Most people who know me say that I am unable to be so. Generally, as you can see by my commentaries, you can agree and attest that I certainly like to explain my position and how I arrived at my conclusion.

But, this is different. The American government is broke. I know that other Presidents, as is their want, will take a side trip to some such place to see the sights near where official business was occurring. For example, JFK went to Ireland and England on his way back from Berlin in June, 1963, Nixon went to the pyramids on his way from Israel and Jordan, just before he resigned.

Reagan, Bush 41, Clinton and Bush 43 all made trips, ostensibly to shore up some alliance or treaty, and will take family with them. But those times, they were better.

President Obama is presently in Northern Ireland for the G8 conference. He brought his wife, as some Presidents have, and his children, certainly because they are underage and should spend time with their parents. On the surface, I don't have a problem with that.

But during this trip, he is also going to three countries in Africa, which in this time of sequester, if school-age children cannot go to the people's house because of cutbacks in the budget, then the President and his family should not be going to an African jaunt which will cost approximately $60 to $100 million.

It makes no sense to me. How about you?

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