Friday, August 27, 2021

The Fall of the American Conscience


First, let me offer my condolences to the marines who were murdered yesterday and to the families who have been forced to accept that their husbands, fathers, sons, wives, mothers, daughters will not be coming home anymore to smiles, hugs and kisses. Instead, they will be coming home to people who love them who are filled with untold and immeasurable grief for their loss of a loved one.

I know. War is hell on earth. And that's why it should be avoided. Beginning with this reason. Soldiers die. Families cry.

Having said that, let me make a point here I have done a bit of critical thinking.

In 2001, I supported President Bush in his decision to invade Afghanistan to try and capture Osama bin Laden, a terrorist who master-minded the attacks on our embassies, the USS Cole, the Pentagon, the World Trade Center, and probably with the third plane, the Capital or the White House in DC.

And while I supported our troops who were placed in harms way in Iraq, I was not in favor of putting them there in the first place. What was happening in Afghanistan and why had nothing to do with Saddam Hussein.

Once bin Laden was captured or killed, our presence and why we were there was completed. The Obama/Biden team decided to keep our soldiers there, ostensibly to continue to nation build. I guess these two geniuses, like the two idiots before them, thought that trying to establish Jeffersonian Democracy was a good thing to force on people still living in 600 AD.

When Donald Trump was elected, he promised to finally pull our troops out, which he did incrementally, like Nixon in Vietnam. He also gave them a deadline of May 1, which Joe Biden moved to August 31. It seemed reasonable at the time he did so, because he needed to understand the circumstances and potential outcomes of such a withdrawal on the Afghan government. And all sides agreed to the Trump date which was negotiated and to the Biden date which was accepted.

This included NATO forces, the UK, the Afghan government, the Taliban and the US. To me, reasonableness is always the process to achieve a goal.

Then suddenly, disaster began to unfold earlier this month. At least, that's when we started learning about it. So, decisions had to be made and who was the decision-maker? Donald Trump? No. Obama? No again. Why, it was Joe Biden. The current ‘President' of the United States. This disaster is squarely on him.

But amazingly, Biden, his team, the Never-Trumpers, and the Lame Stream Media think this is Trump's fault. If you accept this, then you are sadly mistaken.

Your boy cannot take credit for things he inherited which were good, and then, blame his predecessor for things which go bad. Especially, when your boy created the disaster.

And as of two o'clock this afternoon, there are still thousands of Americans and Afghans who supported our troops for the last twenty years. As of now, it appears that they will be stranded by your boy. And it seems that the Taliban plans to take swift retribution by slaughtering Americans and Afghans left behind. It is incumbent on your boy to stand up and make sure he gets them out. If he doesn't, the military should go in and get them out today, tomorrow, before there is no chance to do so safely.

And if even one soldier is captured, tortured or killed because you boy took the coward's way out, then he needs to be removed, either by the 25th Amendment or by impeachment for crimes against America.

If you think ANY of what I stated is wrong, then you are even a bigger dumb@$$ than I thought possibly could exist, to think Biden deserves remain in office after he allowed the enemy to kill our soldiers and probably mutilate them, like Obama allowed to happen to Ambassador Chris Stevens and his team in Benghazi. Over a video that didn't exist...

God Bless America and save our soldiers from what is about to befall them.


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