Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Joe Biden, Likeable Man, Lost Forever

First, let me say that I have always liked Joe Biden. What??? My conservative friends are probably apoplectic by now, and my liberal friends think I have lost my mind, both not understanding the why I so bravely make this statement.

Let me explain.

In 1987 or 1988, when Mr. Biden was campaigning for President the first time, I was a registered Republican. Before I continue, I was a registered Republican until 2018, when I became a registered Libertarian. To paraphrase the Great Ronald Reagan, I did not leave the Republican Party, it left me. Anyway, I have always voted for the person, not the Party candidate. For example, I voted for Ed Koch for Mayor of New York, Daniel Patrick Moynihan for US Senator, Bill Clinton for President in his second term. I am also voting for Senator Monica Martinez, a NY State Senator, who works for all the people in her district, even those of us who are not in her Party. I have always felt that the person who did something that merited my vote, would get my vote, which is my right.

To continue, I felt that Mr. Biden, while a Democrat, said things and had done things in the Senate that merited my vote. I had voted for Ronald Reagan twice, and I still feel he is one of my two favorite and best Presidents in my lifetime, the other being John F. Kennedy. Biden, at that time, seemed like the best candidate the Democrats could offer, as I did not Like Vice President Bush. In addition, I knew that while he was Reagan’s VP, I felt he would not follow in Reagan’s footsteps, should he be elected.

Biden, who was a moderate Blue Dog Democrat, seemed like the best alternative to Bush the Democrats could offer. When they nominated Dukakis, I had no choice but to vote for Bush.

Fast forward to 2007 and 2008. Biden decides to run again, and his opponents were Hillary and Obama. In my view, Biden, the moderate, was the best candidate, for me, that the Democrats could offer. So, when the Democrats nominated Obama, I could not vote for the Obama-Biden ticket, even though I liked Biden. So, while I voted for Mitt Romney in the NY Republican primary, I voted for John McCain against Obama. And in 2012, I voted for Romney.

Now here we are in 2020, and a much holder, by 33 years, Joe Biden is the presumptive nominee for the Democrats. But this is not the quirky, amusing, thoughtful Joe Biden from 1987. This is the angry, forgetful (at best), hijacked Biden who is being used by the Democrat Party as a placeholder until the nomination, or the election.

Sadly, he is not being protected by his wife or his children. This is a man who is suffering from some form of dementia or Alzheimer’s. It is sad that his legacy will be that he was a sick, old man, who fought to achieve something he would not remember because he was used, misused and abused by a party who left him in the dust and did not give a $#!+ about him. For this, Mrs. Biden and his children should be ashamed of themselves. But they aren’t because they don’t give a $#!+ either, or they were bought off. Either way, they are a disgrace.

There are other negative things people say about Biden, but I prefer to attribute these things to the fact that he is not well. He was always a Democrat; he was always a man I would have loved to have had a beer with; he was always a likeable guy.

And, I still like him.

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