Wednesday, June 10, 2020

What One Bad Cop and One Bad Prosecutor Has Wrought

Any politician or Hollyweird celebrity who calls for defunding of police must immediately lead by example and give up their 24/7/365 protection. Otherwise sit down and STFU. We do not want to hear from you again unless you have the b@//$ to do to yourself what you want to do to the rest of us... leave us with inadequate protection.

By the way, anyone else in the private sector calling for the defunding of the police should be taken to a psych ward to have your heads examined because you have obviously lost your minds. Otherwise, don't call the police when you are in trouble and need assistance. Figure it out like you want the rest of us to do. 

Understand that I believe in equal rights for everyone, no matter your race, color, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation or preference. I also believe that every one of us has certain inalienable rights as citizens of this country which are defined in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, which includes the First Amendment.

Within the First Amendment, there are additional defined rights, including the Freedom of Speech, Freedom OF Religion, Freedom of the Press (Media), the Right to PEACEABLY Assemble, and the Right to Petition the Government for a Redress of Grievances.

Nowhere does ANYONE have the right to destroy someone’s property because we do not like them OR disagree with them. Nor, does ANYONE have the right to terrorize or harass another. Nor, does ANYONE have the right to disobey laws which are enacted for ALL of us to follow by our elected representatives, whether those laws are local, state or Federal.

Essentially, we are ALL expected by social norms which should have been the way we were raised, to behave respectfully to each other, even when we feel we were disrespected. In other words, we are ALL expected to act like HUMAN BEINGS and not some wild, untamed, undomesticated animals.

Which leads me back to the reason we have police. In a civilized society, which we are supposed to be, the police are there to make sure EVERYONE is protected, that nobody’s rights are denied, that laws are faithfully executed. And, at no time is a police officer supposed to act unlawfully, especially when he KNOWS what the laws are. In the case of George Floyd, I agree that this cop, Derek Chauvin, acted unlawfully, as well as the other three who stood there and did nothing to stop Chauvin. And presently, they have all been fired and are facing maximum charges for what they did.

It has been revealed during the investigation that this cop has had a history of various degrees of brutality, but the prosecutor in several cases looked the other way. That prosecutor was Amy Klobuchar who chose not to criminally charge any fatalities involving law enforcement. Instead she routinely put the decision to a grand jury, a process widely criticized for its secrecy and for mostly allowing the police version of events. Klobuchar also didn't take on any of the misconduct claims. Essentially, she failed her responsibilities to the people of Minneapolis and to the United States.

Had Klobuchar done the right thing the very first time Derek Chauvin was brought up on charges while she was the County Attorney, this latest series of riots and destruction across this country never would have happened because George Floyd would have still been alive.

So, to sum up: If the loonies get their way to defund the police throughout the country, it will be a knee-jerk reaction which will endanger us all, taking away more of our rights to live freely, believing we are safe from harm because one bad cop was never prosecuted by one bad prosecutor who is presently a Senator from Minnesota, who recently was first running for President and now is under consideration for Vice President.

Maybe EVERYONE needs to take a step back, take a breath and rethink the stupidity of the calls for defunding or disbanding the police. Otherwise, the few bad apples will be able to take away ALL our freedoms, all because of one bad COP and one bad PROSECUTOR.

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