Sunday, January 8, 2017

Assange, Putin, the 2016 Election and Conspiracy Theories

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Let me preface this commentary by saying that I am no fan of Julian Assange. The man is hanging out in the Ecuadorian embassy in London for fear he would be extradited to Sweden on an alleged rape charge. Then, he would allegedly be extradited to the US to face hacking charges.

It amazes me that Sean Hannity and other conservatives are now paying this man homage for leaking Hillary Clinton's emails, when in 2010, Hannity and others called him a criminal for leaking cables which showed that Bush lied about certain aspects of the Iraq War.

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One thing I don't tolerate is inconsistency by ANYONE in the media, on either side of the political spectrum. One cannot say that someone was bad six years ago and now he is a protector of free speech.

Having said that, now I want to focus on the hypocrisy of the LSM who thought Assange was wonderful when he was revealing the Bush deceptions and now think he is a devil for revealing that Hillary Clinton was the most corrupt person ever to run for President of the United States.

Ok. Now you know I don't like or trust Julian Assange. 

But, one thing is for certain. I don't trust the American intelligence community, either. These schemers are trying to say that Putin and Russia influenced this election. My common sense says it could not happen.  

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Maybe Putin ordered Donna Brazile to give Hillary the questions ahead of time in her debate with Bernie Sanders. Does ANYONE believe that?

Maybe Putin ordered the people in Detroit, Chicago and elsewhere to vote for Hillary more times than the total number of registered voters in those communities. Is THAT possible?

Come on, people. Enough with the conspiracy theories already! Does ANY of this nonsense make sense to you when you remove your political bias?

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I did not trust or like Clapper, Comey or Brennan BEFORE this election. They have only reinforced that mistrust and have shown themselves all to be liars when questioned this week by the Congress. 

If the Democrats, the media and Hillary supporters were honest, they would admit they nominated and supported a seriously flawed candidate who was NOT liked by so many people in Middle America. Outside of the coasts, her message, if one calls it that, was not liked by a 2600 to 600 county margin

I agree it is time for a woman to be elected President. But, can anyone HONESTLY say Hillary Clinton was that woman? All Assange did was show she wasn't that woman. There have been other women over the years who were and are more qualified than Hillary.

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And as for Putin influencing our election, let us not forget that Obama tried to influence Israel's election last year. So let's not get your panties in a wad over alleged interference. Your hypocrisy and false indignation does not become you.

It is time to end this false narrative by the left in order to make the election of Donald Trump to appear illegitimate. He was the constitutionally elected President and that is what matters. If you don't like what he does over the next four years, the Constitution provides relief by forcing him to run again on his record. 

Until then, let's stop the conspiracy theories and get back to being citizens of the UNITED States. 

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