Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Meet Lester Holt - Another NBC/DNC Flunky

I still held out hope that Lester Holt, while an employee of NBC News, the parent company of CDNC and MSLSD, would hold himself to be a respected, neutral, fair-minded journalist. BZZZZZZ, NOT!!!
In his recent interview with the man we all have come to see as a Flip Wilson wannabe, but not funny like Flip, he proceeded to offer up one softball after another, almost placing them on a tee, so that the jerkweed who tries to imitate perhaps Redd Foxx, again not as funny as Redd, smacks them out of the park with ease. I have provided you with the interview via MRC NEWSBUSTERS.
Mr Holt then becomes part of the interview by praising Obummer as if he were a sage or a comic genius. Let me clear this up now - Barry, you are an unfunny, pitiful imitation of a President. Instead, you are a dumb@$$ clown, which I despise by the way.
So back to the imitation of a journalist. Lester baby, you have stooped lower than Chris Matthews or Rachel Maddow, if that were possible. Any journalistic integrity you may have had is now gone with the Brian Williams wind. You should be ashamed of yourself for your conduct. But like all LSM jerks, you have no shame.
As the face of NBC Newsyour responsibility was to be impartial while conducting an interview or even reporting the news. I guess you were absent from your Journalism class the day they taught impartiality.
One of your predecessors in your chair, John Chancellor, was a liberal as defined by the etymology of words in his day. But, he would NEVER offer his opinion or even his feelings, during an interview. Not even during Watergate. If he offered an opinion, it would appear at the end of his broadcast, during a clearly marked segment.
So, Les booby, good luck shaving tomorrow, as you look into the mirror and have an honesty check. It is so difficult to face the fact that you have betrayed a public trust, which was the position you once held. But no more. Don't slit your throat with that razor.
It will hurt like a bitch, much like you have shown you are now Obummer's.

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