Friday, August 8, 2014

Politics IS Local - Outside the United States

All politics are local.  That has been the mantra for every President forever. Even for this President.  EXCEPT....

The recent NBC/WSJ Poll revealed that President Obama has a 60% DISAPPROVAL rating on his handling of our foreign policy.  There are so many examples of wrongheadedness in his lack of decision-making until the problem at hand blows up in his face. Then, he scurries like a chicken without a head. 

And he procrastinates over each issue as if he is giving deep thought. Instead, he is hoping it will go away. But it doesn’t; none of them do.

I wrote a commentary on Thursday for publication on Friday morning on how this President mulled over whether to address the ongoing nightmare in Iraq.  The following is from the unpublished commentary called "The Advantage of Mulling":

"President Barry Indecisive Hussein Obama is mulling over whether to drop food and supplies  to a remote region of Iraq to assist a group of Iraqis known as Yazidis, an ancient religious minority considered Apostates by ISIS, that "benevolent" Islamic terrorist group out to destroy Iraq's Shi'ite-led government."

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There is more but he finally finished mulling and made a halfhearted decision to drop supplies and food via air drop. He also ordered an airstrike on an ISIS stronghold. But it really isn't enough.

He has telegraphed his intent to the terrorists that he would not be revving up to involve the United States in another military entry into Iraq. No boots on the ground. This is the same strategy he implemented in 2011 in Libya. Look how that has worked out.

How has his Israeli/Hamas policy worked out? Or Ukraine? Or even Afghanistan?

Yes, all politics are local. But it appears they are local in all the hotspots in the world. Like Israel, and Libya, and Iraq, and Ukraine.  Not in the United States.

A couple of more comments about the President's mulling from "The Advantage of Mulling":
"While he is mulling, he has found time to golf, fund-raise, campaign against the Congress, joke about his birthday and prepare for his two-week vacation, where he can golf, fund-raise and campaign against the Congress. And mull some more on what to do about the nightmare in Iraq.

By the time he is finished mulling, maybe ISIS will have made the decision for him. Iraq will be no more and it will be George Bush's fault. Why? Because Bush started it by getting rid of Saddam Hussein.
Yes, another benefit to Barry the Muller for his indecisiveness. See how mulling does to make all things right in Obama-world?"

Sadly, the world is burning and this guy doesn't want to see it until it is too late. We need to be vigilant because Barry has proven he isn't. I fear for humanity because soon enough some disaster will occur from which we may not recover.

This isn't over, my friends. ISIS understands Politics IS LocalThey are counting on it.

Too bad Barry doesn't. 

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