Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Another Choice, A Brave Choice

The man to watch for the Republican 2016 race most people seem to think at this time is Mitt Romney.  Even I had thought that in my commentary of July 7, just four weeks ago , called Third Time the Charm? where I discussed my opinions on why Mitt could win the nomination.

Uh... time to rethink that for just a minute. During July, a strange thing happened. One Governor, a fairly well-known one at that, ascended above all other Governors and other 2016 candidates to stand up to President Barry Soetoro Hussein Obama and essentially demanded that Barry meet with him to discuss the disaster ongoing in his state. And Barry had to give in and meet with him.

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That's right, friends. I am talking about the inestimable Governor Rick Perry from the Lone Star State.

But this isn't the only topic which seems to prove Governor Perry's rising star. He has used his position as Governor to mobilize at least 1,000 National Guard troops to assist in the protection of the border, something the Federal government (read: Obama and Obama Administration) is reluctant to do and instead, has chosen to default in its Constitutional responsibility to preserve, protect and defend the United States from foreign invasion, caused by Barry's failed policies.

The Governor has also been active to bring jobs to his State, for years, by making certain any chance of a State Income Tax does not come to fruition. Rick Perry believes that job creation brings more income, which then has that income spent inside the State for products and services, which brings revenue to the State via sales taxes. And the "Circle of State Life" continues.

But that is not all. This man has made a true foray onto the world stage, as well. On Monday,  it was reported in the late online edition of the Washington Examiner that the Governor on CNN's Sunday news show,  State of the Union, criticized the President, and key members of his Administration for their failure to support Israel, our only true ally in the Middle East, in its battle against Hamas, as Hamas continues to attack Israel at every turn. I agree with the Governor on this issue because he is right.

I have supported Mitt Romney in 2008 and 2012 because I felt he was the best man for the jobI still do. But he has been reluctant to choose to announce himself for another run for the nomination. Soon enough, the time will grow short for Mitt to commit.

If Rick Perry continues to shine on the national stage, all other comers will be over before they start. As I said in Third Time, the disastrous nightmare of all those candidates hurt Mitt because he spent too much time and money trying to win the nomination, and the base, right up to Election Day.
This time, the nomination process needs to be wrapped early so that the Republican candidate has the money and the time to campaign against the Democrat candidate, rather than against other Republicans. This is an important first step.

And if Mitt continues to vacillate on whether he is running or not, perhaps Rick Perry has already proven himself to be the Best Man for the job.

To be continued. I am sure....

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