Wednesday, April 23, 2014

What Difference Does It Make?

Here is a story you don't hear about in the Lame Stream Media. It was revealed that the Benghazi nightmare was supposed to be a kidnapping of Ambassador Chris Stevens which went bad.  

Once he was kidnapped, he was going to be offered in trade for the mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, Khalid Sheik Muhammad. But, because the three others who died with him in the fight, Sean Smith, Glen Dougherty, Tyrone Woods, and others did their jobs by fighting the attackers, the attack escalated to the point where the attackers ultimately killed Stevens and the others.

 So what did Barry and Hillary do?  They blamed a video, posted an apology and acted concerned for the deaths of these devoted Americans by assuring the families "everything will be done to bring the killers to justice."

That's right, the OJ Gambit. The only difference was that OJ went to every golf course looking for Nicole's killer, while Barry went immediately to Las Vegas to see if Stevens’ killers were there. As for Hillary, well, suddenly she was indisposed because she fell, had a headache and went to the salon to get her hair cut.

Hillary Clinton 1
Hillary Clinton 1 (Photo credit: Angela Radulescu)
I know it isn't funny. It's really a tragedy but when you have clowns, buffoons and just plain jerks running the nuthouse and then they get re-elected to do even more damage, to wit, NSA, IRS, BLM, Fast and Furious, Snowden, Ukraine, etc. and you hear variations of the same statement, you begin to wonder who were the fools who voted for four more years of this.

In a murder, accessories to it are prosecuted along with those who pulled the trigger. Since we have not yet arrested the perpetrators, how can we go after the two accessories to this crime? I guess failure to uphold the Constitution doesn't count.

Also on Tuesday, AP reporter Matt Lee asked State Department spokesperson Jenn Psaki to name one, just one accomplishment of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during her time as Secretary. Her answer was as follows: "I don't know. I wasn't here during her tenure. You have to ask someone who was."

Good answer.

On that record, Hillary is contemplating another run for the presidency. Americans need to remember the old adage of "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me".  What will be the addendum to this if we are foolish enough to be fooled a third time? "Fool me a third time, I'm a complete moron"? 

We need to remember that Hillary is responsible for the death of Ambassador Stevens and his team. It happened on her watch and it is her responsibility.

That is the answer Ms. Psaki needs to give when asked, what was Hillary's biggest accomplishment? “Failure to protect her employee”.  THAT is the difference it should make.

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