Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Race-Baiting and Our "Leaders"

One of the biggest race-baiters in our country today is Al Sharpton, leader of the National Action Network. I purposefully do not use his title of "reverend" because he is one of the most Un-Christian people out there today.
The Rev Dr Martin Luther King, Jr would be appalled with the way Sharpton and Rev King's protégé, Jesse Jackson carry themselves in today's America. In the over fifty years since the March on Washington, Rev King would be proud the way our country has tried to resolve the sins of racist America. He would agree there was more to do, but that a great start had commenced.
English: Dr. Martin Luther King giving his &qu...
English: Dr. Martin Luther King giving his "I Have a Dream" speech during the March on Washington in Washington, D.C., on 28 August 1963.  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Yet, these two ministers of Christ have decided to scream racism at every opportunity. At least in Jackson's case, he has, from time to time, exercised some good judgment to keep his race-baiting to a minimum. But not Sharpton.
In fact, Comcast has continued to give him a forum with his show on MSNBC. Has anyone watched it? He spits his vitriol and venom each and every night for an hour, which when you think about it, results in five hours of hate every week. What would Rev King say? What would Jesus Christ say?
It is in this backdrop that our President and Attorney General both thought it would be a good idea to make appearances, meet and greet the attendees, and make speeches to a group of people, many who have good intentions, but some who believe as Al Sharpton thinks: white people are all racists.
I have listened to this man, having lived in New York City and on Long Island all my life, beat the race drum for over 35 years screaming about racist acts by people even when they weren't true. Does the Tawana Brawly case ring a bell? This girl lied about being raped and beaten, and yet there was Sharpton, carrying on, demanding justice. Where is the justice for the man she lied about? Not even crickets.
There are many other cases, too many to list here. But our chief law enforcement officer and his boss thought this was the right thing to do, to come to the National Action Network assembly and give at least tacit support to Sharpton's continual race-baiting. Even Eric Holder's speech to the group dripped of race-baiting. He said it didn't, but if you listen to it, to this listener it left no doubt.
That was a poor decision on the part of Barry and Eric to attend this meeting. They gave legitimacy to Sharpton and his cause. They owe the entire country an apology for this stupidity, but none will be forthcoming.
Al Sharpton has been invigorated by his meeting and the fact that he can claim that the President of the United States supports his cause and believes in his message. Even if he doesn't, by attending this meeting, Barry's actions speak much louder than his words.
Because of this, race-baiter Sharpton will continue with his divisiveness and hate. And Americans, black and white, will be worse for it.

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