Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Iranian Travesty

I haven't read the entire agreement yet, but I already don't like the latest "deal" the United States has made with Iran. But my bigger fear is: Did John Kerry or Barry O read it? After all, these guys have a habit of not reading something but signing onto it. And then when somebody reads it, it's a lot worse than we could have imagined.

The countries that did agree to it, Russia, China, France, Germany, the UK and the US, took four whole days to agree on something that couldn't be agreed on since 1979. Makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside, doesn't it?

No? Me either.

And what was Iran's motive to finally agree to the terms as set forth by the "major powers"? Could it be a sense that nuclear is bad? No. Or that they are relinquishing their fanatical goals of regional, if not world, domination? No, again. Or, maybe, it has developed a sense of peace and justice for all? Three strikes and yer out!

No. Surprisingly, it's about the the almighty dollar. You know the one, our father who art in pocket, dollar be your name. These geniuses, led by Secstate Kerry, agreed to GIVE Iran up to $7 BILLION in relief of sanctions should it agree to this six-month interim agreement. I guess the world is more secure? Does anyone remember Munich, you know, peace in our time? Chamberlain holding the  "paper in my hand"? No? These idiots don't.

Under the agreement, Iran has agreed to stop enriching uranium above 5% and dismantle "the technical connections" required to enrich it above 5%. It will also neutralize its stockpiles of 20% enriched uranium, which experts say represents 90% of the effort required to produce weapons-grade uranium. Finally, it will allow inspections of its the Arak reactor and whether it will be coming online.

Of course, King Barry, who likes to remind us "as president and commander in chief that I take my responsibility seriously" to negotiate yet more of our freedoms and security away to appease his "friends" in the world community which he desperately seeks approval. Even Hitler didn't care what the "world community" thought about himself. But this guy seeks to be loved by anybody. Doesn't that make him a prostitute?

And what about Israel? Israel is not a signer to this "treaty" but is a victim of it. 
"What was reached last night in Geneva is not a historic agreement, it is a historic mistake," Netanyahu said. "Today the world became a much more dangerous place because the most dangerous regime in the world made a significant step in obtaining the most dangerous weapons in the world."
"We're worried about the agreement but our job is to keep up the warnings," said Yair Lapid, Israel's Minister of Finance and part of Netanyahu's coalition government. "We're not comfortable but this warning needs to be done. We have six months until there is (hopefully) a better agreement." Voicing what he called Israel's right to self-defense, he said, "I want to clarify that Israel will not let Iran develop nuclear military capability."
"We may be the only child in the room saying the king has no clothes but that's what we must do."
Israel is our only real ally in the region, if not the world, and once again this President has spit all over her. My friend, Ed Koch and I got into many debates about this President and his disdain for our ally. I am glad, thankfully, he isn't alive to see that the man he supported for President over Mitt Romney just put the knife through Israel's heart with this deal. He would be devastated.  

So, now what? Does this administration sit back and rest on its laurels for a "job well done"? Or does it find a way to put some real teeth to this deal. And what about the Senate? Now that the Dictator has taken away any shot to filibuster, do the Dems who supported Israel roll over and play dead to King Barry's whim? 

I hope my Jewish friends remember what was done in Geneva to Israel and who did it. Please remember that it will be the gutless Democrats who went along with this travesty in the Senate. 

The world community is watching our next action. Soon, lawlessness by rogue states could prevail and this may have been the action that blew up the box. 

And Pandora, along with the countries which hate us, will be laughing at our foolishness to believe we have "achieved peace in our time."

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