Tuesday, May 21, 2013

I Don't Know

In the mid-1850s, there arose a nativist movement in the USA which discriminated against foreigners, Catholics and others who did not fit the mold of white, Anglo-Saxon Protestants  (WASPs) born here. They established a political party called the "Know-Nothing Party" and even nominated former President Millard Fillmore as its party's nominee for President in 1856.

This commentary, however, is not about immigration. Instead, it is about the current members of the Obama administration, including President Obama, whose favorite response is "I Don't Know".

When asked about "Fast and Furious", the administration's gun-running operation by the ATF, it's ultimate supervisor, Attorney-General Eric Holder said he knew nothing about it. When he was asked last week about the DoJ bugging of the APs phone lines, he said again that he knows nothing of it and recused himself from the process.

When the Acting Director of the IRS, Steven Miller, was asked how certain groups could be targeted by the IRS, his reply was the he didn't know, would have to find out, and would have to get the names.

When White House counsel, Kathryn Rummler was asked when she knew about the IRS issue, she forgot to tell the President about it until last week.

When Dan Pfeiffer was asked where the President was during the Benghazi attack, he said he didn't know which room he was in, and that besides, it was irrelevant where the president was.

When former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was asked by the Congress what went wrong at Benghazi, before, during and after the attack, she said she didn't know, and besides, "at this point what difference does it make".

And finally, when President Obama was asked about all if this, his answer was that he didn't know about it, that he would find out, would get to the bottom of it, and those responsible would be held accountable and would be punished for their transgressions.


It is sad to think we have a group of people in the most senior positions of government, who are more inept than Sergeant Schultz, of "Hogan's Heroes" fame, whose most favorite line when asked a question was "I Know Nothing". It's frightening how sometimes life can imitate art, isn't it?

We certainly would not accept "I don't know" as an acceptable answer when we question our children, our spouses, our employees or employers about issues that concern us. Why would our government officials think we would accept that answer from them? I know I wouldn't.

And perhaps the appointment of a Special Prosecutor is now necessary to get to the bottom of all these issues. After all, nothing like being subpoenaed to appear before a Special Prosecutor helps jog memories of forgetful officials more.

It worked in 1973 and it might work now. Am I sure it will? I Don't Know, but it might.

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