Sunday, March 24, 2013


There are several subjects I like to revisit from time to time. Today is that time. 

Marijuana has been demonstrated in the states where it is legal, to be an effective aide for those who suffer from chronic pain, cancer and chemo downsides, stroke, paralysis, glaucoma, and a host of other illnesses.  In the states where medicinal marijuana is the drug of choice, very strict rules are in place to make certain abuse of this remedy does not occur.

Police enforcement is used more productively to enforce laws and protect citizens from harm, and not used chasing and dealing with nonsense crimes. The problem presently is the federal government, which spends millions of dollars, at a time when wasteful spending is an issue, to chase down growers and sellers that are permitted to operate under state law. In no place does the Constitution address marijuana laws as an issue for the federal government to involve itself. In fact, the 10th Amendment makes it clear that this should be a state issue. I quote: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

So in the case of medical marijuana, in fact, all marijuana sold in the several states, where permitted, state law supersedes federal law. Therefore, the federal government must acquiesce to the appropriate state law.

Another subject I would like to address is same sex marriage. Does it really matter to me if two people who are in love marry or live together? No. So why should it matter if those two people are the same sex? Are they hurting you or me by their act? No. And as far as the social issues of life insurance, medical visitation, etc., it's their choice. 

Choice is by definition the act of choosing between two or more options for what action might be best for an individual. It is not up to government or society to judge what personal choice is right for the individual. Get out of my life, his life, her life. It's their choice.

And speaking of choice issues, everything is a choice, abortion, health care proxies, DNR orders, marriage and even right to life issues are choices an individual makes privately for him or herself. The government has no business getting in the middle of each others' personal choice issues. And neither does society. 

Thanks for taking the time to read this. Your feedback is certainly welcomed.

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