Sunday, December 29, 2024

Understanding and Supporting LEGAL H-1B Visa Status

The Alien Registration Act of 1940 required all non-citizens (aliens) to register with the government to renew their legal status. Advertisements would start right after Christmas on TV to remind them to do so in January. It could be done in a trip to the local Post Office.

In 1982, the annual requirement for aliens (non-citizens) to register with the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) in January was repealed by the Congress, as it was considered redundant.

The H-1B program was created by the Immigration Act of 1990,  and was signed by President George HW Bush. The program was intended to help US companies address labor shortages in fields like engineering, research, and computer programming.

There are many requirements which must be followed by employers (sponsors) and the recipient. It is a three-year visa which may be extended for up to an additional three years. After six years, the recipient may apply for Permanent Residency or a Green Card.

Many employers use this method to obtain qualified employees from other countries to improve their businesses. These include SpaceX, Merck, Amazon, Roivant Pharmaceutical, Google, Microsoft, GM, Ford, Meta and the Trump Organization, among others.

So, as you can see, Americans and their companies are not opposed to immigration, or hiring immigrants to perform essential tasks. All these companies support LEGAL immigration, where rules are followed and everyone benefits.

It is ILLEGAL immigration which is a problem, and is not to be condoned. We are a nation of immigrants, beginning with the Pilgrims, right up to the present day. Many of us have immigrant ancestors who came here LEGALLY, especially since 1900. I do.

So, I support the Trump vision of immigration which includes permitting H-1B visa status. And if you buy from the companies included in this commentary, and others which sponsor H-1B employees, you should, too.

Not all immigration is bad for our country, only that which is done ILLEGALLY.

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