Friday, December 6, 2024

The Kamster Lives On In Another Life-Form

It has been thirty-one days since the Election of Donald Trump to become our forty-seventh President by defeating the current Vice President, Kamala “Kacklin' Kammy” Harris, and her toady, Governor “Tampon TimWalz pretty handily. 

The Tampon Man, after the race was conceded thirty days ago, had the decency and wherewithal to slink back to the Socialist State of Minnesota, never to be heard from again.
But not Kacklin’ Kammy.

No, first we heard that the Kamster took a “well-deserved” vacation in Hawaii. Then, whether it was played across all social media channels, legacy and cable media, or in a toilet, we had to hear her whine about her loss, while plagiarizing and imitating the Rodhameister, in a drunken or stoned stupor. 

She turned up in Thursday’s online edition of the New York Post and elsewhere, much like a bad penny or Social disease, crying to her donors that she was still fund-raising for at least another $20MM, which she mis-spent $1.5BB on her failed campaign. She had stiffed vendors, staff and others of at least that much.

But she was able to pay many celebrities their appearance fees, and for their endorsements, in the millions within the final weeks and days leading up to that fateful Election Day.

As part of that fundraiser, she is including a questionnaire addressing issues and which of her rejected policies and tactics they should continue peddling “to help elect Democrats up and down the ballot in 2025 and beyond.”

In addition, the questionnaire asks, “Which of President Trump’s priorities do you find most troubling?” the survey begins, asking respondents to choose among options like “enacting mass deportations,” “slashing taxes for the ultra-wealthy,” “gutting abortion access” and “attacking the fundamental rights of LGBTQ+ Americans.”

She obviously is a dunce or dense head. She wants to continue to spew her venom, like the snake she is. She is not going away like her running mate. Instead she thinks she can overturn the majority of the people’s will.

She needs to slink off and crawl under a rock and stay there until January 20. Then because term limits are forcing Gavin Newspin out, she will run for Governor of California and try her Socialist ideas on them.

God help these vulnerable Californians. May they have the strength to not be snake-bitten.

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