Tuesday, December 31, 2024

A Special Wish and A Special Anniversary

Today, and, tonight, everyone on earth will celebrate the exact same holiday at the exact same time as the clock strikes midnight in their time zones. That holiday is New Year's Day. And today is New Year's Eve.
Today is also another day which we have, over time, seemed to have forgotten, or lost. But, if you recall, it was a day which we also feared. And now, it isn’t generally one which we even remember much anymore.

Yes, Friends. Today is the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of Y2K. I was my Bank's Y2K Co-ordinator and was going to be held to the fire if all my testing failed me.

Remember how much we were concerned that even with all our testing, we feared nothing would work on the morning of January 1, 2000? So naïve we were!

Lights out. Would not see the Ball Drop on the Dick Clark Show! No running water! And concern banks would pay one hundred years of interest on Savings accounts, while charging one hundred years of interest on loans.

A funny thing also happened that night. My then fourteen-year-old son showed his creativity with a house full of family and friends (maybe sixty or so guests). Suddenly, as the crowd watched the TV and was counting down to midnight, just as the ball hit, our lights went out.

We stood stunned for a moment until I went to check the breakers and found him and his friends hysterical at what they did. Rather than becoming annoyed, I joined in the laughter, wishing that I had thought of this.

We turned the lights back on to the relief and then, delight of all present.

Twenty-five years have passed since then, and I still find that New Year’s Eve to be the best one in my life. I still laugh how foolish we all had been, worrying about things we actually DID control, but doubted ourselves. 

And remembering how we thought we were so technologically advanced or we thought we were. But really weren’t.

So, let me wish you all a Happy Twenty-Fifth Anniversary for surviving Y2K and getting well beyond those much more simple times. But to recapture it all one more time, well, reality says it is all a fond and distant memory.

But enjoy it because that time and place helped to make us who we are. Today.

Happy New Year, Everyone!

Heading To the Economic Trash Heap

There has been much talk recently in the media and in the Congress about the debt ceiling. But what is it exactly?
In actuality, it is an artificial cap that is placed on the limit the US Treasury can borrow in order to pay existing debt and obligations owed by the US government to others. Any other definition is purely political double-speak in order to seem more acceptable to to the general public.

And it is generally brought up for consideration during budget fights as the Members of Congress consider continuing resolutions to kick the need to pass a budget down the road.

Simple, yes?

It was reported on Saturday, December 28 in USA Today that Secretary Janet Yellen sent a warning letter to the Congress saying the Treasury will run out of money if the debt ceiling is not increased before (get this) January 14 to 23. Perfect. Right as the Trump Administration assumes responsibiity.

A reasonable person would think that brakes would be applied to any additional expenditures appropriated but not yet released. Much like knowing that the electric bill is due but the check isn’t in the mail yet, so hold off for a moment.

So, what happened next? Why, yesterday, if was reported that Yellen announced that the appropriations in the amount of SIX BILLION DOLLARS earmarked to go to fight to defend Ukraine’s border war with Russia was released.

Wait! WHAT?!? We don’t have the money which we have borrowed and may not be able to pay back, and we are STILL sending money to Ukraine? To defend that country’s borders, but no money to defend our own?

What are we? Freaking stupid?

It seems it is all a scam to scare people. Or launder money. Or have people think we are REQUIRED to bankrupt our own country to defend the world.

And maybe, the debt isn’t real either? Any of these ideas is as believable as the next.

We run a deficit each year which increases the debt. At least that is the concept we learned in Economics 101 and Political Science 102. But in reality, is it real?

We can look to 20th century European history for our answer. After World War I, Germany printed Deutschmarks to pay its reparations to the victors for causing the war. The Deutchmark became worthless. Soon enough, in a series of events, the world was fighting Germany again.

But this time, the Marshall Plan was enacted. And since then, the US has paid. And paid. By borrowing against its full faith an credit. To the tune of $36 TRILLION.

Until when? When we collapse?

It is time to stop this insanity and put our own financial house in order. Otherwise, soon enough, we will find ourselves on the economic trash heap like the great empires and nations which came and went before us.

Didn’t we learn that “Bread and Circuses” as an economic remedy have failed for thousands of years already?

Monday, December 30, 2024

The Emperor Surely Has No Clothes - Nor a Cognitive Mind

Here is a surprise from out of left field for all of you. And it was certainly unexpected.
It was reported in today's online edition of the New York Post that CBS News Chief Legal Correspondent, Jan Crawford as much as admitted on Face The Nation to host Major Garrett that the most under-reported story this year was the “cognitive decline” of Joe Biden.

Undercovered and underreported, that would be, to me, Joe Biden’s obvious cognitive decline that became undeniable in the televised debate,” she said on the Sunday morning show.

Finally, someone of some minimal integrity in the legacy media has decided to come clean and admit the failure of the whole profession to report the facts. That takes some guts to swallow and choke out the truth.

The rest of the nation, and the world, recognized this several years ago. But the Democrats, the Administration and DNC-aligned press lackeys continually denied, lied and obfuscated.

Until they could not anymore.

Fortunately, there are only twenty-two more days left for President Biden to do anything to hurt the country. And now that it is out there for all the world to see, his actions should be held in check by the incoming Congress and the totally embarrassed media, which needs to re-earn the public’s trust.

As for the Administration? The entire Biden Regime has failed its first responsibility to preserve the integrity of its Constitutional responsibilities to the American people, from the Vice President on down. They ALL WILL BE held accountable.

And surely, we all now know that the “emperor has no clothes”, and lacking a cognitive mind

Death of America's Oldest President

President Jimmy Carter, 39th President, served from 1977 to 1981. He was elected following the resignation of Richard Nixon and the ascension of Gerald Ford subsequent to the Watergate nightmare and the withdrawal of America's remaining troops from Viet Nam.
He was elected primarily as a calming influence which was needed after the turmoil caused by America's involvement in the Viet Nam War, the Civil Rights protests and of course, the Watergate debacle, which caused a Constitutional crisis. Sadly, other factors helped to make his term seem more of the same.

His four years were beset with economic problems like inflation and a gasoline crisis at home, and multiple challenges abroad.  Islamic radicals in Iran seized American hostages at the US embassy in Tehran, which cost him re-election in 1980.

However, he will be remembered for brokering the Camp David Accords, which brought Anwar Sadat of Egypt and Menachem Begin of Israel to agree to a peace treaty which continues to this day.

His post-presidential life was devoted to humanitarian issues, including the creation of the Habitat for Humanity, traveling the world as America’s Ambassador for Peace, and ultimately, in 2002, winning the Nobel Peace Prize in his quest for peace on earth.

He was a mediocre President at best, but was probably the best ex-President we had for promoting all of his good works.

He served in the US Navy (Active) from 1946 to 1953, as  a Lieutenant, and in the Naval Reserve from 1953 to 1961. 

In the coming days, funeral arrangements will be finalized including the time he will lie in state in the Rotunda of the Capital in Washinton, DC. The living current and former Presidents have all made their first remarks about the man and his legacy.

They will soon announce their plans to attend his services in DC and/or Georgia, once plans are finalized.

May he Rest In Peace.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Understanding and Supporting LEGAL H-1B Visa Status

The Alien Registration Act of 1940 required all non-citizens (aliens) to register with the government to renew their legal status. Advertisements would start right after Christmas on TV to remind them to do so in January. It could be done in a trip to the local Post Office.

In 1982, the annual requirement for aliens (non-citizens) to register with the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) in January was repealed by the Congress, as it was considered redundant.

The H-1B program was created by the Immigration Act of 1990,  and was signed by President George HW Bush. The program was intended to help US companies address labor shortages in fields like engineering, research, and computer programming.

There are many requirements which must be followed by employers (sponsors) and the recipient. It is a three-year visa which may be extended for up to an additional three years. After six years, the recipient may apply for Permanent Residency or a Green Card.

Many employers use this method to obtain qualified employees from other countries to improve their businesses. These include SpaceX, Merck, Amazon, Roivant Pharmaceutical, Google, Microsoft, GM, Ford, Meta and the Trump Organization, among others.

So, as you can see, Americans and their companies are not opposed to immigration, or hiring immigrants to perform essential tasks. All these companies support LEGAL immigration, where rules are followed and everyone benefits.

It is ILLEGAL immigration which is a problem, and is not to be condoned. We are a nation of immigrants, beginning with the Pilgrims, right up to the present day. Many of us have immigrant ancestors who came here LEGALLY, especially since 1900. I do.

So, I support the Trump vision of immigration which includes permitting H-1B visa status. And if you buy from the companies included in this commentary, and others which sponsor H-1B employees, you should, too.

Not all immigration is bad for our country, only that which is done ILLEGALLY.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Unrelated Musings

It is the Saturday before New Year's Eve and Day, and I have decided there is really very little one can opine on at length. But as you know, I am a man of many opinions, not afraid to share them.
The first concerns the news story involving Congressional slush fund which has been used to cover up “indiscretions”, harrassment charges and hiring practices  due to race or gender by Members of Congress. This is being revealed by some because of the hypocrisy applied to Matt Gaetz by the HouseEthicsCommittee.

While I am not justifying what Gaetz MAY have done, a DOJ investigation, as well as that done by DA’s in Florida, found no “illegalaction on which to indict and prosecute him. But the “Ethics” committee decided to reveal circumstantial evidence on which to embarrass him to force him out.

The new Congress will be forced to take this up again next Friday.

Another issue is the apparent accident claimed by President Vladimir Putin following the crash of an Azerbaijani airliner in Kazakhstan that killed thirty-eight people. And it very well could have been.

There was no motive for Russia to shoot down the plane. Instead, it was probably a drone strike gone bad as the war between Russia and Ukraine intensified.

As one who certainly grew up during the Cold War and witnessed many “near missesto see the world burn down, it is appalling to see all the destruction and death caused to so many over just 600 miles of land and water access. And these nations were once MAJOR parts of the USSR.

It is time for sensible and reasonable people to come together and end what Obama approved in 2014 and Biden augmented in 2021.

Finally, it is time for Steve Cohen, David Stearns and Pete Alonso to stop pulling at Mets fans’ heartstrings and make a deal. The Mets claim they want him back, and Pete says he wants to stay a Met.

As a long-suffering fan, Orange and Blue Since ’62, I say prove it. Let’s not have a repeat of June 15, 1977, when Tom Seaver was basically dismissed by the Mets out of spite. Only to regret it afterwards. And then, lose him again after the ’83 season.

As for Alonso, Scott Boros is not your friend and doesn’t care what you want. He is only interested in the agent’s prayer: Our Father, who art in pocket. Dollar be your name. My wallet needs more of you. Give me your bankroll. Now and forever.

Let’s get this done already. The speculation by the uninformed media is annoying.

That is all this quiet Saturday.

Friday, December 27, 2024

Plenty of Shame for So Many Caused by a Fiery Death

As it has been reported on all week, on Sunday, December 22, an as-yet unidentified woman was burned to death on a New York City subway train by Sebastian Zepata, a thirty-three year-old illegal immigrant from Guatemala. He had been deported several other times, most recently in 2018 for entering the country illegally. It is unclear how he re-entered the US. (Can you say Biden-Harris-Mayorkas?)

Then, on Monday, December 23, Krazy Kat Hochul, idiot governor of New York was reportedly ripped for a “tone-deaf” tweet bragging about her subway safety improvements mere hours after the sleeping straphanger was killed when she was set on fire aboard a Brooklyn train Sunday.

This incident has all the earmarks of the Kitty Genovese tragedy which occurred on March 13, 1964 in Kew Gardens, New York. You know, when no one came to her aid as she was attacked, sexually assaulted, and murdered as she walked from her parked car. The assault lasted thirty-five minutes and occurred outside of an apartment building where a reported thirty-eight witnesses either heard or saw the attack and did nothing to stop it.

Kinda like that. Except these bystanders took out their phones to record it for a potential “You Tube moment” in the hopes to gain Fame and Fortune as the woman burned to death in front of them.

The City and the MTA did not have emergency equipment on the train for anyone, including the NYPD officer, to extinguish the fire. Yeah, the announcement, “If you see an emergency, call an MTA employee,” rings hollow.

Why? What will they do with no life-saving equipment? Stand watch with everyone else? The announcement means nothing; it is all a distraction from the inadequacy of the State, the City and the MTA.

So, what is next? Do more people have to ride fearfully under the ground of an unsafe New York? Unsafe from another criminal, illegal immigrant?

The Mayor seems to understand what needs to be done. After January 20, he needs to step up and declare that New York City is no longer a Sanctuary City and begin to cooperate with ICE to rid the city of it greatest crime problems.

And Krazy Kat, the corrupt governor, needs to go back to Buffalo and worry about her next election campaign. Because, right now, she is aiding and abetting in the destruction of the “Greatest City In the World” with every single inept and stupid policy she promotes.

And by the way, she was forcongestion pricingbefore she opposed it, and was for it again with a “grid lock alertsurcharge before she was against THAT. Shades of John Kerry, yes?

And sadly, in the end, until something is done to fix the illegal immigrant problem, apparently, this woman will have died in vain.

I weep for her and pray her soul is at peace.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Remembering Why We Celebrate

After taking a few days off from all the hoopla of Politics, continued Warfare in Ukraine, ongoing Hatred in the Middle East, and tragedies of Needless and Cruel Death in the United States, I have decided to not address any of these. Instead, I will try to ease my way back with an easy commentary.
Sadly, we will always have opportunities to deal with these issues. As Jesus replied to Judas in Superstar, when asked when He would cure poverty in the world, “There will be poor always.” And the same seems to go for all of these problems, too.

Rather, in keeping with the yuletide spirit, I hope everyone had a Blessed Christmastime and a Happy First Night of Hanukkah. And today, two additional holidays join the party: Kwanzaa and Boxing Day.

Kwanzaa is NOT a religion. Perhaps, one of its most significant features is that it facilitates unity amongst all African-Americans, and others, regardless of their religion. Kwanzaa may be celebrated by any Pan-African, of any religion, or of no religion.

Kwanzaa is observed for seven days, and there is a different value for each day: On each night, a candle is lighted to observe the “Nguzo Saba”, the seven principles of Kwanzaa.

The tradition of Boxing Day may have come from a custom in the late Roman and early Christian era, wherein alms boxes placed in churches during Advent were used to collect special offerings tied to the Feast of Saint Stephen, Christianity’s first martyr, which, in the Western Christian Churches, falls on the same day as Boxing Day, the second day of Christmastide.

This is also a holiday which came about throughout the British Empire during the reign of Queen Victoria and continues throughout the Commonwealth to this day.

Here in the United States, we celebrate Boxing Day by putting the Christmas gift boxes and bags away, and standing on lines to return or exchange items for different things we need or would fit better. FOR HOURS.

And, ultimately, in many cultures, we celebrate the Twelve Days of Christmas, from Christmas Day to the Feast of the Epiphany on January 6, the Day Where the Birth of the Christ Child was revealed to the world via the Magi. It is a song sung by many to sometimes highight the (total of items added) 364 gifts we enjoy from this Christmas Day until next Christmas Eve. All the days in between.

At least, that is MY interpretation.

Others may interpret the song in other ways, symbolizing a part of their own beliefs, whether religiously or secularly. No matter. It reminds us we have much to share with each other.

So, I hope you will continue to enjoy the remaining time left in this year; remembering that we are all here for a time. A Time To Live; A Time For Joy; A Time To Laugh; A Time To Heal; A Time To Love; A Time For Peace.

I swear it is never too late.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

A Weekend and Year-End Summary With Holiday Wishes

So it is the Saturday before Christmas and Hanukkah, and I have decided that I plan to take the next few days away, resting my brain and relaxing with the family. This is the 352nd commentary I have written this year, 347 since July 1.
There have been many topics which, to me were important enough to research, and address with my readers. I have tried to succinctly explain, knowing some will not agree with anything, and others who agreed with most, if not all.

Certainly, a lot of it involved the election, which we all can agree was the most important election in many years. It was quite definitive, and depending on your viewpoint, it was, as elections go, fairly contentious.

Ostensibly, we thought it would divide us irreparably, but we showed the world we could agree to disagree, passionately, and in the end, come together as Americans again.

Of course, I wrote about the events I saw happening in the State I lived almost my entire life. While I no longer live there, I am still a New Yorker at heart.

And as a New Yorker, I can state emphatically that I am not afraid to say what is on my mind.

Finally, I shared my passion about the depths and the heights my New York Mets sank and achieved. I have bled Orange and Blue Since 1962, and sank as low as the team sank, and then, celebrated their unexpected rise to glory as they missed out on making it to the World Series by one game.

As a consolation prize, they signed the most dynamic player to a fifteen year contract, with hopes he will put them over the top in 2025 and beyond.

There were other commentaries of interest to me, but these were my leading stories.

In any event, I want to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas, a Joyous Happy Hanukkah, and know I will be back next week with my batteries recharged, and ready to go to entertain and inform as I know you enjoy.

See you Next Week.

Friday, December 20, 2024

Congress Needs To Do the PEOPLE'S Business - Not Their Own

The Congress is expected to pass a 118 page Continuing Resolution with very little pork in it.
At least a lot less than what was in the original CR, which was well over 1,500 pages. It had nothing critical to keep the government running.
Like the 40% pay raise and the refurbishment of RFK Stadium, which had nothing to do with essential services.

This afternoon, Karine Jean Pierre tried to call out the Republicans for listening to Donald Trump, JD Vance and Elon Musk, and their criticism of the original CR. But in 30 days, Karine, they would be obligated to live with it.

Just in case you didn’t get the update, Biden will not be President soon, Karine. So, sit down, get a coffee, and be quiet.

Even Biden knows he is not going to be responsible. So, take a lead from your boss.

As for what is left in the substantially reduced CR, military and law enforcement will get paid. Federal employees will not be denied their pay over the holidays and into the New Year. National parks and museums will continue to operate.

No need to pack in goodies for Congress to take back to their districts. These are NOT ESSENTIAL to keep everything running.

Dick Durbin, in spite of his whining, does not need a pay raise. He and Schumer and Pelosi, and all the rest, can live off the millions they have already siphoned away over the years from the taxpayers.

And they don’t need the exemption from Obamacare that they force the rest of America to buy. Or their free, taxpayer-funded healthcare. They can buy their own healthcare just like the rest of America does.

So, while the CR is a stop-gap measure, soon the new Congress will be forced to create a real budget for the rest of the fiscal year which ends in September. And begin working on the next year’s budget right after that.

This is what Americans voted for.

It is time for the Congress to do the job WE THE PEOPLE demand they do.

Or in less than two years, some Senators and Representatives will be collecting $405 a week on unemployment, rather than $174,000 or more, working less than 180 days per year.

The Biden Presidency Is the Big Deceit

On July 21, 2020, I wrote a commentary called, Joe Biden, Likeable Man, Lost Forever and said he was suffering from Dementia. And maybe Alzheimers.
Well, this kicked up a firestorm against me, from both sides because a: at the time, I admitted I still liked him and found he was likeable, but wacky; and b: since I was not a psychiatrist, I had no business diagnosing his mental health. I lost many friends on both sides of the political divide.

But I was adamant that he was unwell, though, ultimately, I admitted he was actually UNLIKEABLE, with anger issues, speech impediments and horrible memory lapses. Hence, a true Alzheimers patient.

Finally, it is being reported and revealed by reporters all across the political landscape that his staff has struggled to conceal in his lack of mental and physical acuity from us for FOUR YEARS. Including the current Vice President.

It was reported by Tina Fey in Baseline, an online read and in the New York Post. Even one liberal journalist, Chris Cillizzaadmitted in a video that he was wrong for blocking what he had learned over the years because he did not want to be seen as “age-shaming”.

But all of this now begs many questions. Who was really making decisions? Who was running the country? Are the “Biden” Executive Orders invalid? INCLUDING COVID mask and vaccine mandates? Were “Biden’s1,900 pardons, including Hunter Biden’s, legal? Was this all considered Unconstitutional?

And do the media and the Democrat leadership beg for a “Mea Culpa” for criticizing those of us who found EVERYTHING done in Biden’s name morally questionable and probably illegal?

How do we prevent Presidential staff people from taking charge of a President’s authority and running a “mini-coupagainst the people and the Constitution again?

And finally, do we EVER trust the government and the Media to tell us the truth? Or, should we question EVERYTHING because they lied so many times to us in their quest to fulfill a political agenda?

I have said for many years that I love my country and distrust my government. I was criticized for having taken this positon, for not blindly following what our “leaders” have told us.

If I had doubts in my own feelings that I was too harsh or a “conspiracy theorist”, those doubts were washed away by this revelation that the Biden-Harris Administration was a fraud perpetrated on the American people. And it almost worked, until it was found to be a Big Deceit.

Now, more than ever, I feel I am vindicated.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Fani Willis Has Been Ordered to Stand Down and Shut Up

The Internet has been screaming all over. Donald Trump is celebrating with the news today.
Why? Because the Georgia Court of Appeals decided to remove the corrupt Fulton County, Georgia DA, Fani Willis from the Trump Election Interference trial. And her entire Team.

Ir will be up to the Prosecuting Attorneys' Council of Georgia to decide IF it wants to appoint another prosecutor OR even if it wants the case to continue. Unless, of course, she wants to pursue an appeal to the State Supreme Court.

And wins.

She would have to convince five of the nine Judges that she should continue as the Prosecutor. But she has damaged her chances based on her conduct with her subordinates, Nathan Wade and others, and allegations of her own misconduct.

So for now, President-Elect Trump can consider this another win against all the cases of lawfare by corrupt democrats against him.

Time to Overhaul the New York MTA

There is no chance any reasonable person will support a request from MTA CEO and Chairman Janno Leiber to increase the fares by a minimum of 4% in 2025 and again, in 2027 Except, of course, Governor Krazy Kat Hochul.
Keep in mind, I DID say REASONABLE.

This would mean the average one-way trip for some of the following:

      - Bus           2.90         3.15
      - Subway    2.90         3.15
      - LIRR        20.00      21.50
      - Met/No  20.00       21.50
      - SIRT          3.25         4.00
      - Bridges   11.50      12.75

These are numbers based on current average costs and anticipated projections reported in today's New York Post. The article only discusses the buses and subways, but past increases generally are applied to all properties and conveyances controlled by the MTA.

This is all on top of the implementation of congestion pricing scheduled for early in the new year. In addition, the MTA approved a $1.27 billion order of 435 new subway cars, including 80 “open-gangway” cars, to be purchased starting in 2025.

Between Krazy Kat and Janno’s total imcompetence, according to Joe Borelli, Minority Council Member from Staten Island, “So given the MTA’s incompetence factor, multiplied by their waste, abuse and mismanagement, paying only double a few years later seems par for the course,” he said. “Congestion pricing was supposed to solve all these capital shortfalls, but apparently now it won’t.

He was careful not to mention that these two are the biggest grifters since Henry Gondorff and Johnny Hooker, when they took down Doyle Lonigan. (Courtesy The Sting)

Seriously, taxpayers, riders and commuters cannot continue to fork over their hard-earned, dwindling, limited resources as this mismanagement continues to exist unchecked, with no real audit consequences.

Perhaps, NOW, the federal Department of Transportation needs to step in and demand accountability, considering that the MTA receives funding from the feds via Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grants program, Federal Transit Administration (FTA) grants, and Capital Investment Grant (CIG) program.

The abuse by this corrupt governor and corrupt MTA board cannot be permitted to continue unabated.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Making Money Talk

Uber and its CEO are just the latest who have donated $1MM or more to President-Elect Donald Trump's Inauguration fund. It seems Big Tech is trying to curry favor with him this time around.
Others who have donated to the Inaugural Committee include Tim Cook and Apple, Jeff Bezos and Amazon, Mark Zuckerberg and Meta, Google, Target and Walmart.

It is expected that the fund will top $150MM or more by January 20. It seems the goal is to have face time and with the the Donald, in Mar-a-Lago, and meet incoming officials in the Trump 2.0 Cabinet.

It seems that these companies will expect that the Administration will not be too overbearing, in light of how critical they all were in the first Administration of him and his policies. 

It is the power of the Almighty Dollar which they all hope will make him more forgiving.

But it remains to be seen if this ploy will work. And since the Inaugural Fund is a 501-c charity, if nothing else, tax credits will be taken by any and all who donate.

Not a bad end results for anyone, don’t you think?

After all, as the saying goes, money talks and BS walks.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Mayorkas Needs to Confess and Biden Needs to Step Away

On Monday, I posted a commentary called Is No One Responsible or Accountable in the Executive Branch? where I discussed the drones flying over the New York and New Jersey corridor. In that op-ed, I mentioned the remote possibility of anthrax or radiation being involved.
Well, in today’s afternoon New York Post, it was reported that the Mayor of Belleville, NJ, Mayor Michael Melham said the drones flying in a grid-like pattern over his Essex County township appear to be “looking for something.”

He told the local Fox affiliate, “What might they be looking for? Maybe that’s radioactive material.”

It was revealed in the news article that the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission issued an alert earlier this week regarding a piece of medical equipment used for cancer scans that was “lost in transit” December 2 while being shipped from the Nazha Cancer Center in Newfield in Gloucester County in southern New Jersey.

But of course, the Biden-Harris-Mayorkas regime, led by the Big Liar, Alejandro Mayorkas, attempted to deceive us and dissemble the truth. Why? Because the Secretary of Homeland Security and the current, demented President of the United States failed us. On so many levels.

Secretary Mayorkas insisted that we trust him. Between his treasonous dereliction of duty to protect the border, his constant lying to the Congress and this attempted distraction, there is no way he can ever be trusted.

And what of the missing radioactive waste? There is every possibility that a bad actor, potentially an illegal immigrant that Mayorkas allowed in, has the material to create a dirty bomb. Would that now be an impeachable AND criminal offense?

He needs to be arrested and brought in for criminal negligence. And for his unwitting and ongoing part in crimes against America.

And Biden? How much more danger will we be subjected to before something terrible really happens? Someone MUST call for the enactment of the 25th Amendment to have him at least be temporarily removed and have Vice President Harris assume the role of Acting President for the next 33 days.

The missing radioactive material is a problem which should concern everyone. At every level of government.

Both parties are also responsible should any further issues arise from their failure to complete their Constitutional duties.

A Good Benefit For Working Families

One of he better ideas which was done during the pandemic in 2021 and 2022 was the increase of the Child Care Tax Credit which increased the credit from $2,000 to $3,600 against income taxes. It was a credit applied for each child.
Now, the idea is on the table again, according to Newsmax. Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) is proposing a credit for $5,000 per child, which would be applied against payroll taxes, as well as income taxes. In this way, the benefit would help self-employed individuals (1099) as much as W-2 employees.

President-elect Trump and Vice President-elect Vance are on board with this.

This should be a no-brainer to pass with bi-partisan support. Speaker Johnson And Majority Leader Thune need to corral their caucuses. Leader Jeffries and Leader Schumer claim to be “for the people”.

This is a big test for all Members of both Houses that they can put politics and differences aside to do what is right for all Americans.

Let’s hope they can do what they have before to help Americans in need.

Aaah, the Sweet, Stinky Odor of Corruption

It isn’t surprising that back on April 12, 2022, we learned how corrupt Governor Kathy Hochul of the Blue State of New York was when she approved $850MM of New York State taxpayer money, $250MM from Erie County and $600MM from that year's State Budget, and paid it to her huband's company, DelawareNorth, to build the Buffalo Bills a new football stadium.
All because the Bills’ owner, Terry Pegula, threatened to leave western New York for Texas if the Governor, a Buffalo native, didn’t comply.

Now we learn in the New York Post that billionaire owner Pegula took full advantage of an NFL rule which allowed equity partners to buy into teams. Earlier this month, the fracking mogul sold a 10% stake to Arctos Partners, and another 10% to 10 limited partners led by NBA Hall of Famer Vince Carter.

Given the stadium is owned by public funds, the value of the stadium adds to the value of the team. It means that the Bills are worth $5.8BB and those funds are paid to said owner Pegula. He, not the State, effectively received almost $1.2BB from the minority ownership.

And the Bills are expected to get a boost in revenue from the new stadium from personal seat licenses, suite sales and sponsorships.
None of this, under the terms of the contract that Krazy Kat the Dope and Terry the Pirate signed in 2022, have to be returned now to cover the State and County outlays. Instead, those funds will be paid back over the life of the initial loans.

Remember that her husband profited from the initial payout by the State in 2022. Essentially, so did Krazy Kat. Surely, season tickets were thrown in to induce the Governor to make a lucrative deal.

Do you smell the stink of her corruption now?

Monday, December 16, 2024

When Political Muckraking Has a Prohibitive Cost

Sometimes, it is Fate or Karma which brings rough Justice to those who have acted badly. And sometimes, it is their own mean-spirited, ill-begotten behavior which does them in.
Yes, I know. Karma is a sanskrit word meaning the force generated by a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences. Your Fate, as it were.

But, we in the West subscribe to John Lennon's more simplistic definition that instant karma's gonna get you. Going to knock you on the head. You gonna break your body, darling. Pretty soon you're going to be dead.

Any way you look at it, on Saturday, we learned that ABC (Disney) and that wannabe journalist, the pompous political slimeball, George Snuffalopulous, had to pay $15MM in a settlement to President-Elect Donald Trump PLUS $1MM in attorney fees for calling him a convicted rapist on Snuffy’s March 10, 2024 little watched program, This Week. AND he has to apologize publicly for doing so.

I am sure ABC agreed to settle because, had Old George submitted to the deposition, we would have learned that a: he is a fraudulent Muckracker, and b: a trial would have been extremely costly to Disney and ABC’s reputation and bottom line.

They got off cheaply to make that major donation to the future President Donald J Trump Memorial Presidential Library. A favorable judgement for Trump after trial would have paid for the whole thing.

So, Bob Iger and Kimberly Godwin can thank their lucky stars that President Trump accepted their settlement offer. We have yet to see what the Fates hold for George Stephanopolous and his continued employment.

Next time, perhaps Georgie Porgie will practice a little humility and something called “journalistic integrity”.

Is No One Responsible or Accountable in the Executive Branch?

With the drone issues on-going in the New York and New Jersey corridor, among other places, the big question is: where is President Biden to assure us all is well? Or even the Kamster?
Instead, the regime is sending out the Big Liar, Alejandro Mayorkas, whose total response is: don’t worry. Just trust us.

This is the man who has lied repeatedly under oath to the Congress regarding the border, the number of illegal immigrants and so many other issues. He has lied to the media. But then, they lie every night to us.

Essentially, we cannot trust him to talk straight and honestly to us. So why should we trust him now?

Lawmakers of both political parties are demanding answers. But now are yet forthcoming. And that is elevating fears in many people.

Speculation is running rampant as the regime continues to remain silent. Fears of spies from Iran, China, Russia and other adversaries looking to do harm are increasing. Is anthrax or other agent involved somehow? Or radiation poisoning?

Some have actually crashed.

It was reported that President-Elect Donald Trump has said that if no one from the Biden regime answers our concerns, then they should be shot down.

Governors Hochul and Murphy are requesting drone detection equipment from the Federal government, but they have not yet been delivered.

Sooner or later, we will get to the truth, but what if some tragedy befalls us before the government finally reveals what is actually happening? Who will stand up and take responsibility for that?

Biden is allegedly still the President and must answer NOW to all our concerns. Otherwise, implement the 25th Amendment to remove him. If he incapable of answering us, then it is time.

Members of both parties must insist and demand immediate action.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

The Hustle and Bustle of the Season

Christmastime is here
Happiness and cheer
Fun for all that children call
Their favorite time of year (with apologies to Lee Mendelson, Vince Guaraldi and Charles Schultz).

Yes, that song, which became an instant standard when the cartoon, Merry Christmas Charlie Brown, was released in 1965, still lets us know it is a joyful part of the year, while delivering the true meaning of Christmas.

Oh, there are other songs which have been around longer, which in today's world we begin hearing certainly right after Election Day. And for many of us, we begin to decorate our houses, set up the tree and earnestly begin our shopping. Just to get into the mood.

But this one song, whether as a piano instrumental, with bass and drums with brushes, or with the lyrics sung by children, brings us back to another time, when the world was so different, and reminds us once again the reason for the season. It is the birthday of Jesus Christ.

So, today we have just ten days until Christmas Day. We are rushing to get everything done; the shopping, the wrapping, deciding what to serve, the baking of cookies and other desserts and treats.

Of course, Santa is present, our homes are festively lit. Some of us have a tree and a menorah; Hanukkah starts Christmas night this year.

For some, we are surrounded by family and friends as we sit down to a feast on Christmas Eve. And we sit for hours reveling in the good cheer of the people around us.

And for others, it is about Christmas Day or Hanukkah. But it is a happy time.

So, I wish you Peace and Joy and Love as we count down to Christmas, and the excitement this season brings to all of us.

Christmastime is here
Families drawing near
Oh, that we could always see
Such spirit through the year.

Take a Seat, Mr Ford

When President-Elect Donald Trump and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau sat down last week to discuss the border issues and illegal immigration, they also discussed potential tariffs if there were a lack of co-operation. But no other Canadian Province Premiers were included.
However, it was reported that one Premier has decided to interject himself by threatening to cut off hydro-electric power to Michigan and New York in a response to an act not yet implemented.

Doug Ford, the premier of the Canadian province of Ontario, suggested retaliating against possible tariffs that President-Elect Trump has threatened to impose on products from Canada.

Uhm, does the power of a Canadian Province Premier supercede that of the Prime Minister of the entire country of Canada? No? Then sit down, take a seat and shut up, Dougie.

Unless, of course, you are looking to defend your province without the help of NORAD. Or, are looking to have the US ban the import of Molson Lager?

You are in no position to make demands or threats on the President of the United States, much like Gretchen Whitmer or Kathy Hochul would make demands or threats on your Prime Minister.

This is a discussion between the leaders of two members of the ÙSMCA. I don’t recall any Province included specifically in that agreement. And I think Ol’ Justin doesn’t need your assistance or interference, either.

Oh and by the way , Dougie. The other partner to the USMCA, President Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo of Mexico, also met with the Donald to discuss Mexico’s involvement with the southern border and potential tariffs. No Mexican governor felt it necessary to interfere in that discussion or make any threats.

So take a lesson from your colleagues to the south. Know your place and keep your trap shut while the three leaders diplomatically resolve these issues.

No need for a pipsqueak like you to screw up what will work out peacefully for all three countries.

With diplomacy, not threats. .

Saturday, December 14, 2024

A Milestone Commentary - Number 1,000

This is a very important commentary. I have written nine hundred ninty-nine (999) previous commentaries, blogs, op-ed's, whatever you call them, since February 2013.
They have covered politics, sports, religion, medical, banking, and just whatever might have been my mind that day. I have been mostly respectful. I am a man not afraid to share my opinions, directly but with courtesy.

I don’t expect anyone to agree with me. But you certainly know I am a person with conviction.
As with everyone, on some topics, my opinions have evolved. And in some, I have become more conservative, even strident, while in others, I have softened my views and mellowed.

But mostly, I have stayed straight and true. I am a Constitutionalist and a Libertarian. That means I am one who takes each word as written in the Sacred Document, and believe in less government interference for all.

These are all free and shareable with your family and friends. I do this to help others recognize that we have free speech in this country, though some wish to restrict it.

But I will continue to write what I think. And share it wherever I can.
My blogsite link is found at Frank McHale’s Viewpoints. To see the entire list, click on View Web Version. Then you can see each blog/commentary by year, and by month.

Enjoy your reading. Your comments are always welcomed.

Thank you.


Friday, December 13, 2024

That Was The Week That Was - In Mets History

There was a TV show which aired on NBC from 1962 until 1965 called That Was The Week That Was (aka TW3) hosted by David Frost. The premise was a satirical review of each week's news, which aired each Friday.
But for the New York Mets, TW3 is not a joke or a spoof. Instead, it was historic for the franchise with two huge announcements this week.

First, the Mets announced on Monday, and signed on Thursday, Juan Soto, to a fifteen year, $765MM contract, which Soto claimed was dynastic in its totality. He said it was the main reason for his decision.

But then, today, the Mets announced that they will retire the number and install into its Hall of Fame, the Captain, David Wright. The date is July 19, so mark your calendars and get your tickets now.

This is in keeping with the promise by Steve and Alex Cohen to honor Mets history and Mets greats when they purchased the team in 2020. He also promised to bring a championship within five years.

Well, last year, the team fell one game and one Series short of that promise. But with the signing of Soto, Uncle Steve proved he was all-in for 2025 to keep that promise.

So it really was a week that was. The only thing which would cap off a great week would be signing the Polar Bear, Pete Alonso, to a well-deserved long-term contract.

Then, for all intents and purposes, 2025 will be historic in Mets History and we will remember that was the week that was.

The Twelve Days of Christmas - Congressional Version

On September 25, the Congress decided to kick the FY2025 budget can down the road beyond the Election. By next Friday, December 20, another decision needs to be made.
The Congress must either pass a budget or pass another Continuing Resolution to fund the government at 2024 levels until the next Congress does something. Anything.

A Continuing Resolution (often abbreviated to CR) is a type of appropriations legislation. An appropriations bill is a bill that appropriates (gives to, sets aside for) money to specific federal government departments, agencies, and programs. The money provides funding for operations, personnel, equipment, and activities. Basically a legal chance by Members of Congress to cowardly not make a decision to spend money.

The current 118th Congress is expected to Adjourn on December 20 for the Christmas Holidays. That’s just perfect.

The current Congress has less than seven days to finish their job. And of course, no one will read it. Instead, they will banter and bicker, trying to stuff it with all sorts of goodies. And pat themselves on the proverbial back for a job well-done.

Unless they are forced to pass a CR. Then the can will be kicked down to the 119th Congress which convenes on January 3. And have that CR expire right after the Inauguration.

So be prepared for anything, America. The Congress is planning a big surprise as our Christmas gift.

It is Twelve Days Before Christmas, after all!

Who Is the Dem Party Logo Now?

The DemoDums are like the Flying Monkeys from the Wizard of Oz. They do Wicked Witch Nancy’s bidding, no matter what. They are fearful of her perceived power.
But, unlike the Monkeys, the DemoDums still think she wields power over the Land of Dem Caucus.

The Witch of SanFran is trying to make one last stand to move the chess pieces on the board by designating who should be the next Ranking Member on each committee.

In case she is so booze-sooten, maybe someone should remind her that she is no longer Speaker or Minority Leader. She doesn’t make the rules anymore.

Her play right now is to put younger members into key positions, due to her belief that Biden was too old at 81. Hey Nancy! Look in a mirror. You are 84!!

So, maybe she shouldn’t be making decisions either, according to her logic. She is presently backing Gerry Connolly (D-Va.), who is 74, to serve as Ranking Member on the high-profile Oversight Committee panel and is “actively working to tank” the 35-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) bid.

While not a fan of AOC, Pelosi made such a big deal of age in the last election, so why now is she backing an "elderly" Congressman? To show she still has power. And in actuality, she has a history with AOC going back to her last run as Speaker in 2019.

AOC wanted her to promise she would step aside after 2020. Bur Pelosi didn’t leave until after the 2022 election. Now, AOC wants Ranking Member status and the Witch of SanFran wants revenge.

She is playing all her cards to get even with AOC. She may win this but in the process, she will be left with little influence in the DemoDum Caucus.

She has forced all her other allies out of their Ranking positions and have lost any influence they previously had. And they are not happy about it. 

Perfect that the Jackass is their party’s logo. Or is the Witch really the new Jackass?

Is the popcorn ready yet?

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Returning to the FBI's Original Mission

Christopher Wray, current FBI Director, has decided to do the honorable thing and resign his position, on or before January 20. It will make it easier for all concerned: no need for President Trump to fire him, and for Kash Patel to assume the Directorship.

Director Wray was appointed after Trump fired James Comey early in his first term. That was done because he proved to be a problem for both Trump, at the start of the Russia Hoax, and the Democrats, for how he handled Hillary Clinton's email scandal.

When Wray was appointed, he was a thorn in Trump’s side right from the start. He ordered the FBI to burst into Roger Stone’s home at 3 AM, with a CNN TV crew documenting it. Then, he was responsible for violating Trump’s home in Mar-A-Lago, allowing overzealous agents to trash through the entire estate.

But the coup-de-grace was when he claimed Donald Trump wasonlystruck by shrapnel during the Butler assassination attempt. He tried to minimize the whole debacle until he had to admit Trump was stuck by a bullet.

At that point, his days were numbered.

According to Newsmax, he tried to put a good spin on his resignation by saying to the workforce that stepping down “is the best way to avoid dragging the bureau deeper into the fray, while reinforcing the values and principles that are so important to how we do our work.”

Nice touch. But everyone knew he would not survive even a week had he held out for his position. The die was cast long ago by his own words and deeds.

So now, Kash Patel will slot into the Directorship and begin to clean house.

In his post on Truth Social, President Trump touted his nominee to lead the agency, calling Kash Patel “the most qualified Nominee to lead the FBI in the Agency’s History,” and said he is “committed to helping ensure that Law, Order, and Justice will be brought back to our Country again, and soon.”

Once the dead wood is removed and the housecleaning is complete, hopefully we will once again have a stain-free FBI working to protect all Americans from the political trysts we have witnessed for far too long. It was truly unbecoming to see such Gestapo-like tactics used against Americans.

Let’s get back to the FBI’s original mission, which is to protect the American people and uphold the Constitution of the United States.

Will the Wicked Witch Just Melt Away?

Once again, the Wicked Witch of San Francisco is in the news. Of course, she has nothing o
 to say, except to spin her nonsensical pot of Hate. Bubble. Bubble. Toil and Trouble.
This time in two separate news articles by NewsNation, she is offering her opinion. Hey Nancy! Nobody cares!!

In the first, after she stabbed Joe Biden in the back, forcing him to withdraw, now she wants to kiss and make up. To do that, she is supporting him for pardoning his son.

Of course she is. She is in a No Lose position. So, now she can feel good about herself.

In the second article, she is claiming she still controls the strings, like all these DemoDumbs are her puppets. And she is the marionette.

But she is so shrill as she insists she is the dancemaster. Well, for some, this is true because they still genuflect their obedience to her.

But for the rest of us, she is a bore. She has outlived her importance. Except in her own alcohol-sotten mind.

So sit down, Nancy and go away. The Ruby Slippers don’t fit you any more.

And you, like the Wicked Witch of Oz, need to melt away in your own uselessness.