Thursday, October 17, 2024

What Can Prompt Your Cherished Memories

Just one week ago
, we woke up to incessant rain and winds blowing at 85 MPH and gusts over 100. It had been raining since Tuesday afternoon, and was non-stop all through Thursday.

My daughter's children were excited because the last time they witnessed such a storm was when we were in New York in 2021 and a tree branch pulled down a wire in front of their house. In addition, this time, all the grandparents had to sleep over. So it was a Hurricane Party atmosphere.

I shared this all last week in my Commentary, Here Comes the Sun.

Today, I want to tell you something new. When I woke up, it was a crisp, autumnal day, not unlike I used to enjoy on a mid-October day in New York. The sky was blue, with wispy clouds, the air was cool and dry, and it was the coolest day since April, at 54*. It was refreshing.

I know that for my friends in the northern climes, this is a normal day for you since probably Labor Day. But for this transplanted Long Islander, it was something we generally don’t see in Central Florida. At least, not until after Thanksgiving.

Funny thing how something simple and unexpected happens, like a change in the weather, and memories flood back from a day gone by. Or a special song. Or a fragrance or smell from your youth. Like Sunday Sauce. Right?

And instantly, you are transported to another place and time. Even for just a brief moment. That is what happened to me this morning.

And then suddenly, reality returns, leaving you with a wistful smile, knowing those days are gone. Forever. But the memories are there to be recalled when you least expect them.

And you smile, knowing they are yours to cherish. Always.

Like the memories my grandchildren have locked away, until they are recalled for them unexpectedly. Like they were for me.

Until this morning, at around 7 AM.

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