Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Were We Talking About Hurricane Helene... or Karine?

Hurricane Helene was the topic of discussion at yesterday's White House press conference as reporters were questioning the Biden-Harris regime's response. Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, the newly-minted Senior Adviser, showed her true colors.

Fox News reporter Peter Doocy asked Jean-Pierre to explain why the Biden-Harris administration had nearly $157 million at the ready to assist displaced people and refugees in Lebanon, but needs to beg Congress for additional funding for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, as FEMA faces a shortfall in the aftermath of the devastation wrought by Hurricane Helene.

She immediately began to get indignant, as expected, as she showed her displeasure to that question. She began to get annoyed and then was raising her voice.

She claimed Doocy was spreading “misinformation ” with his question. “Your whole premise of the question is misinformation, sir,” Jean-Pierre said.

Excuse me?” Doocy shot back.

Yes, yes, it’s misinformation,” the White House press secretary tripled down. “I just mentioned to you that we provided more than $200 million to folks who are impacted in the area.”

When he tried to followup, she picked up her papers and angrily stormed out. Just like any Senior Advisor does.

Hurricane Karine strikes again.

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