Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The Failure By CBS Earns a Black Eye to Show the Truth - For Profit

Here is an idea. If a network news division interviews a prominent person, say like Donald Trump, Kamala Harris, or Mike Johnson, show the WHOLE UNEDITED interview, in order to avoid charges of trying to alter the responses. Even if YOU don’t like them.
Let the viewer determine what is factual. YOU don’t hold a monopoly on Truth or News. We have the ability to do our own research.

And if it goes over your allotted time to broadcast, then we can wait until it is completely aired so accusations of news manipulation cannot be made.

For example, do you stop broadcasting a sporting event like the Sunday NFL game because it goes into overtime? No, you don’t!

 Instead, you delay the start of the next program. Remember, we have DVRs which can record, too.

And neither the NFL nor MLB, nor the PGA, or any other sport would agree and accept their broadcast airtime be cut so you could begin the next show when it was scheduled. Or, the next time you just might not get the next contract.

CBS has been charged by public opinion for editing the 60 Minutes interview with VP Harris and the Face the Nation interview with Speaker Johnson, claiming their editing was due to “time constraints”.

Bad move by CBSNEWS. Nobody believes that lie.

Last week, the Tiffany Network broadcast two different answers on two separate occasions, a day apart, given by Kammy to the same question. Then, this week, the same network shaved approximately two minutes given by Johnson to make his answer appear to suit the interviewer’s agenda. Even if it was "unintenional".

It was reported by the New York Post and many other outlets, and Speaker Johnson complained LOUDLY in social media about it.

While WE THE PEOPLE are entitled to the Constitutional right to a free press, it does NOT mean the corporate news entities have a right to CONTROL what we get to see or hear. Just so YOU can meet profit margins.

That is the job of your entertainment division. News is not about entertainment, even though you try to run it the same way.

News divisions should NOT be about profit. It is supposed to be there to serve the public good, no matter the cost to your bottom line.

Or did all of you miss that day when it was taught in Journalism 101?

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