Monday, October 14, 2024

Think Pink - The Best Offense AND The Best Defense

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. You see publications, advertisements, parades, walks and even campaigns in schools and colleges reminding us all of this terrible disease.
Pink is this month's color, which helps us be even more aware of this dreaded illness.

And everyone should be concerned, because every single person who is alive now or who ever lived, has or had a mother.

Women are reminded to get their mammograms at least annually for early detection. They are told how to check for early signs should evidence be detected at home.

And, thankfully, because they do these things, it CAN be treated.

I know several women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Some, fortunately, were able to treat it with a lumpectomy and/or radiation, and continue to live normal lives. Some have had Chemo or immunotherapy and continue to go on as before.

Some have had a partial or total mastectomy, possibly with reconstruction. But some, sadly, have been unable to overcome this horrid disease.

And men can get it, too. Breast Cancer doesn’t really limit itself to one gender. It is rare in men, but still possible.

Cancer is not prejudiced; it attacks everyone. Women can get Uterine Cancer, like my Mom did, and men get Prostate Cancer, like my Dad. These are considered gender-specific, but it is all the same, since both organs are involved with procreation.

I have had cancer several times; colon cancer in 2011, and bladder cancer several times since 2021. I remind my children that since both my parents, and my wife’s parents, have had cancer, the potential for them to be stricken is greater, too.

That goes for everyone. If there is cancer in your family, there is a greater likelihood that you could get cancer, too.

But since this is October, please have yourself and your loved ones go to get checked out. Early detection is, without a doubt, your best defense, your best offense and best comfort for your peace of mind.

You will be glad you did.

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