Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Harris - Humphrey Comparison

On March 31, 1968, Lyndon Johnson announced he would “not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your President” that year. This statement, made as he was ending a speech on Vietnam and its failing consequences to the US, left the nation stunned.
Eugene McCarthy and Bobby Kennedy were already campaigning against him in earnest, and as a seasoned politician, he knew his time in office was done. It wasn’t until the end of April that Hubert Humphrey, Johnson's Vice President, announced his candidacy.

Humphrey was tied to LBJ’s policies and had a tough time distancing himself, until Kennedy’s assassination. Then, he was able to pass McCarthy and went on to the nomination in Chicago that August.

But unlike Humphrey, who was able to distance himself, at least somewhat, from Johnson because of his earlier withdrawal, and won delegates in several primaries, Kamala Harris won no delegates and was placed, by fiat, into the nomination. Also, Johnson chose not to interfere once Humphrey won the nomination.

But now, CNN is reporting that while Harris attempts to distance herself from Biden, she is both in need of him on the campaign trail and is still an integral part of his administration. And he keeps saying that “we” are doing whatever it is for the country.

She cannot seem to divorce herself, like Humphey was almost able, from Biden. She needs his perceived popularity and doesn’t want to be responsible, either. A tough place to be politically.

Much like Hubert Humphrey was in back in 1968.

But as more voters watch this dance, sooner or later, they will decide what is really to their benefit. So many people are not pleased with her double-speak.

And Election Day is only thirty days away.

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