Sunday, July 28, 2024

The Disaster A Harris Presidency Will Bring

With the removal of President Biden as the Democrat nominee, and the ascendancy of Kamala Harris as the presumptive nominee, Hamas, and now Hezzbollah, have become more brazen in its attacks on Israel. Harris has made it very clear that she supports Hamas and has demanded that Benjamin Netanyahu enter into a one-sided, terrorist-friendly ceasefire.

On Saturday, with the Israeli Prime Minister still in the United States, Hezzbollah boldly attacked the Golan Heights killing at least eleven. Mostly children. Harris’ position is very clear to the enemies of Israel and thus has emboldened them to continue reeking havoc, knowing that a potential future Harris Administration will stand by and do NOTHING to stop them.

If you doubt this, just look at what she has said when pro-Palestinian groups took over our own college campuses this year. She has encouraged these anti-Semites to continue their protests. Less than a month after Oct 7, Harris spoke approvingly of rampaging pro-Hamas college students, telling reporters “I do understand their concerns and I will never attempt to stifle or silence young people from expressing their concerns.”

This was their “dog-whistle” that this former California prosecutor would not prosecute them for their protests or their hate crimes if she were in charge. This was said even as several anti-Semitic administrators were resigning their Ivy League university positions.

She has quietly warned Prime Minister Netanyahu that he MUST accept the cease-fire agreement as proposed or he will have hell to pay if she becomes our next President. This was after she snubbed him by not attending his speech at the Joint Session of Congress earlier in the week.

I fear that under a Harris Administration we will see, finally, the obliteration of our only true ally in the region begin on Day One. And anti-Semitism will no longer be treated as a hate crime in the United States under a President Harris Administration.

The Mufti of Jersusalem, Mohammed Amin al-Husseini, and Adolph Hitler will be pleased.

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