Monday, July 22, 2024

The Democrats Show Subterfuge In Play


So. Just so you know. Kamala Harris will NOT be the replacement nominee for the Democrat Party to replace President Biden in the 2024 Presidential election campaign. Take it to the Bank and cash it in.

Presently, she is the front-runner because she is the sitting Vice President. In order to show solidarity, leading Democrats have endorsed her. If they didn’t, it would display for all to see a fractious party which would potentially crater across the entire ticket from President to the local county sheriff. The party would take years to recover from that debacle.

Bill and Hillary Clinton were among the first to endorse Kamala Harris. But of all the leading party first liners, Barack Obama was curiously silent. His silence spoke volumes to the party faithful.

Be assured, the Clintons always do something which sometimes is surprising at first. This was not unintentional. Instead, this was a calculated act. On the surface, Hillary has now exemplified her loyalty to Kamala and the “good of the party”. Don’t be fooled, my friends. It was done exclusively for the good of Hillary.

Kamala will go to the convention next month will a plurality of the delegates needed to claim the nomination. But she WILL fall short. There will be a brokered convention and suddenly there will be chaos forcing a second vote. The “Super-Delegates” will huddle and look around and Voila! There is the solution standing under the political spotlight.

Hillary the Queen is at your service!!

There will be a relieved cheer as the queen stands up and unabashedly accepts the nomination from the party faithful. Balloons will fall; the leadership will fall in line; hope will be the catch word. And the campaign against Donald Trump will begin anew.

Get your popcorn and watch as the efforts to perform the coronation of Hillary is played out on your TV. It WILL be the political theater you have always imagined but never thought would ever happen in the United States.

And then, vote for sanity on November 5 and elect Donald Trump as President to restore our country from the disaster which we have become.

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