Tuesday, May 28, 2024

My Battle With Bladder Cancer

Tomorrow, Wednesday May 29, I begin a six-week regimented immunotherapy treatment to combat my persistent recurrence of bladder cancer. I have tried Keytruda, chemotherapy, and several surgeries to no avail. I have been fighting this since September, 2021.

Thereafter, I believe it will be done monthly for six months and then quarterly for two more years. Essentially I will be treated with the TB vaccine, which has proved successful in treating bladder cancer, small cell lung cancer and several other cancers since 1990. 

The purpose is to "trick" the immune system to fight off the invading disease, and by so doing, the immune system will finally recognize the cancer and attack that, too. Up to now, the cancer is only a mutation of cells already in the body and the immune system had no reason to believe it was harmful since it was not foreign.

It sounds so simple, right? But, unlike more recent vaccines created recently, this has been around for well over 50 years. I was opposed to getting "the shot" for me and thankfully, I know it was not that which caused this cancer.

Instead, I was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2011, dealt with it with Chemo and surgery, and was deemed cancer-free in 2015. I proved to myself that I am a strong-willed, positive person. I have used that attitude to get me to this point, as well.

I have faith in God, a strong and loving support system in my corner, and my determination to overcome this challenge and obstacle in my path.

I WILL BEAT this. But I know that prayers work, too. So just know that prayers and good wishes will be gratefully and graciously be accepted. 

God Bless All of you. Amen.

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