Sunday, September 3, 2023

Why the Mental Capacity of Our Representatives Is Critical

It has become apparent to any fair-minded person that there are people in out highest levels of government from both parties who allegedly suffer from some form of dementia. Presently, both President Biden and Senator McConnell are two men who should not be in the positions they have. Nor, actually, should Diane Feinstein or several others in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

 I am a seventy-two-year-old man who has several critical health issues and have learned that age eventually becomes a factor in any endeavor one attempts physically and mentally. When I was in my fifties, I resented the term “over-qualified” because I felt I was discriminated against. Subtly.  But as an older person, I recognize that employers must be considerate of a senior citizen’s abilities and capabilities.

 I have come to believe that Members of Congress and those in the Presidency, and the Courts are in positions where, if they are over seventy-five, they should take a cognitive test to make certain they are able to understand the significance of their decisions. This isn’t an issue of discrimination. Instead, it is common sense, because as a person in a critical position which affects us all must understand the ramifications of those decisions.

 In the private sector, employers expect their employees to be able to function in challenging situations. For example, a hospital would be subject to a lawsuit and potential financial ruin if a surgeon on staff were to lose a patient because the doctor slipped and accidently injured or killed a patient. Or, if a Supervisor at Home Depot or Lowes allowed a person with slower reflexes to drive a forklift and the driver hit a customer, or dropped a product which caused injury, the financial damages would be costly.

 Now, I realize that these are exaggerations of worst-case scenarios. Or are they?

 There are several people in their seventies and eighties I know who come across as sharp as a tack and can hold their own in a conversation, make reasonable decisions and/or put forth creative ideas which a younger person with less experience may not be able to provide. And, then, there are those who should not be sitting in the driver’s seat of their car, driving on the expressway. We all know someone like these people.

 We are the employers of those we elect to the highest positions in our government. We should be able to expect, no, demand that they can function at the highest physical and mental capabilities.

 Whether the person is Doanld Trump, or Joe Biden, or Mitch McConnell, or Diane Feinstein, or anyone who aspires to serve at the highest elected positions of government, we should expect that they pass a cognitive and competency test if they are over seventy-five. As the employer, we would be remiss in our responsibilities if we didn’t.

 I realize that some people will disagree with me and that it fine. But I expect that the next President has the mental capacity to understand that his decisions will affect me, my children, and my grandchildren.

 And so should you.

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