Thursday, November 4, 2021

The Many Lessons of the 2021 Election

Okay. So now the pundits and prognosticators have had a day or so to lick their wounds and have begun to make excuses for how their data was wrong, or misinterpreted, or didn’t see the red wave hiding in plain sight, or the election gremlins affected the turnout and results. Or, maybe, instead these self-proclaimed seers that the media and the parties rely on to predict the outcomes of an election with their sophisticated polling formulas (see for more details) really don’t know squat about reading people. 

Hey pollsters! Lesson One on polling is the only poll that matters is the one done on Election Day. And Lesson Two? People will lie to you if they feel your questions are intrusive or misleading.  

You see, if the questions are slanted in a subliminal way toward one candidate or party, most reasonable people with any elementary understanding of social behavior, will see through you and tell you what you want to hear to make your point. Or, maybe, you want to slant the outcome to your candidate that you will only hear what fits your agenda. Or the agenda of the person or party who is paying you to come up with the desired result. Either way, the margin of error a poll uses as a fallback is a cover to make the poll seem more legitimate. 

But the poll taken on Election Day doesn’t need the trickery of deceptive questions or spinning the outcomes to fit an agenda. Why? Because the poll taken on Election Day is real and doesn’t factor in a margin of error, because there is none.  

And by the way, the same can be said of exit polling, a strategy used by the media to help them come up with how the polling got it so wrong before Election Day, and gives “legitimacy” to their “experts” that report all night long after the votes are counted. 

But here is the thing. The people see through all of this and vote the way they feel about the President, the Congress, the Governor, etc., and the policies these entities are foisting on the American people may not be in line with how the people feel in the months leading up to Election Day. 

You know, like MANDATES which take away the FREEDOM TO CHOOSE what the people want for their own well-being, without the government, Federal, State or Local saying the word “MUST” and making the people feel like WE are the government’s chattel. Certainly, if a government official wants our votes on Election Day because they believe we are smart enough to vote for his or her agenda, then they must also believe we are smart enough to make our own decisions for ourselves. Right? RIGHT?

So, here is the lesson with the Election of 2021. The people are tired of being TOLD what we MUST do. And government officials must remember that THEY WORK FOR US. Not the other way around. They need to go back and re-read the Constitution of the United States. And focus on the Preamble which says all of this in less than sixty words with these following six promises:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

This is the lesson that the non “leaders” need to learn, like Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Hochul, Newsom, “the Squad”, and other wannabe dictators. Because WE THE PEOPLE will vote you out if you continue to go down that path. 

And no pollster that you hire will be able to save you from your own deserved self-destruction, no matter how the questions are asked. Because we can see right through it.

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