Friday, January 31, 2020

Impeachment Outcomes and Observations

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Looks like it is time for Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler to consider how to protect their retirement plans before the House votes to expel them and they lose it all. Even Carlos Danger, AKA Anthony Weiner, as dumb as he is, was smart enough to resign before he was expelled.

They have brought disgrace on the Party of FDR, Truman and JFK forever for their traitorous actions against the Constitution by initiating an impeachment, IN SECRET, and not allowing President Trump to be considered innocent until proven guilty, trying instead to make him prove his "innocence", violating his 4th 5th and 6th amendments, which guarantee due process.

In November, the dishonor they brought upon their Party, the House of Representatives, our Country and its Constitution will be remembered by Americans everywhere. Trump will win 45 states by at least 70MM voters, while Republicans will retake the House with 300 members and will retain the Senate with 62 Seats.

Chuck Schumer, if he has any decency in him, should resign his seat and allow a more moderate Democrat become Minority Leader, since he really didn't lead at all. Instead, he followed the extreme left wing in his party like a beaten puppy. If he doesn't resign, whatever remains as the minority should throw him out of his Leader position to show him he is not theirs.

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By Monday, the first of the Democrat voting will be done, and Joe Biden will be left behind like Dust in the Wind. He WILL NOT be the Democrat nominee. He has ruined his legacy by his actions in Ukraine, by his own bragging admission, to the Council of Foreign Relations. Too bad. Better to have kept his mouth shut than by trying to be a Big Shot.

Anyone who thinks this will not happen is still looking at the current Members of the Democrat Caucus with rose-colored glasses. Hate to tell you, but they are opaque because you can't see what these fools did to your ideals.

Trump 2020!

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