Friday, July 17, 2015

Flags, Monuments, Graves - Reminders of a Scar or a Surrender to Lunacy

I know I have said this several times on Facebook and Twitter, but I feel it is necessary to address it in this forum, as well. To all you people calling for the defacement of our monuments and other national treasures: are you freaking crazy???

The Civil War, the War Between the States, the War for Southern Independence, the War of Northern Aggression, the War for States' Rights or the twenty five other names it was called, was settled in April, 1865. In all cases, it was a War of Brother Against Brother, Father Against Son, American Against American. Why now, after 150 years, do people want to re-fight that scar on American History?

Those monuments and statues, and yes, even the various flags are reminders to all of us that we should not forget that differences of opinion and beliefs caused more Americans to die than in all other wars until Vietnam. 620,000 Americans died in that war, while 644,000 Americans died in all other wars combined. And you all want to try and erase that?

Yes, it is a tragedy that some jerkweed walked into a Black Church in Charlotte and killed nine innocent men and women who were praying to God just before they died. But if you allow that Dumb@$$'s legacy to be the destruction of OUR reminders of the most destructive war fought on American soil, then those of you calling for that destruction are no better than the barbaric scum of the earth called ISIS.

I get why some of our Black brothers and sisters find those monuments and gravesites to be an anathema to them. But also understand this: none of us, Black or White, were alive when that war was fought or ended. We have learned about it mostly from our history classes. In all cases, the story is already cleansed and purged to make it somewhat more palatable.

But to DESTROY these memorials? What are we, Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia? They burned books as though that would make all those words disappear. That is what you are acting like.

You are following people who relish in the division between the races, giving their self-importance relevance. But as with all events where they can create more ill-will at a minimum, and absolute hatred for one another so they can continue their hateful agenda, these evil people, led by that racist Unrev Al Sharptonthrive on the emotional response of their own racism. Is that what you want for your children and grandchildren? More hate? More racism? For that bigot Sharpton? And other racists in our government?

What will the destruction of Stone Mountain or General Lee's grave accomplish? Will the history of those men now be forgotten? Think about it logically, friends. All of this, and I mean ALL the artifacts are on computers, microfiche, books, and other retention media. It doesn't go away if you destroy it. This isn't 2015 BCE.

We are all appalled by what ISIS has done to ancient artifacts and mankind's treasures over the last several years. In years to come, if we destroy OUR artifacts and treasures, we will be viewed no better by our posterity, than how we look at what the NAZIS did or what ISIS is doing now.

This is nothing but a knee-jerk response to the criminal actions of a jerkweed. Aren't we supposed to be better than that?

Or will our legacy be one where we are no better than the Nazis, the Soviets or the Islamists? It is your call. Will you be able to sleep the night it all was destroyed because you followed the lunacy of idiots who played on your emotions? Only you know what is right in your heart and soul.

I know what is right in mine.

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