Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Retire the Weeper - A Win for America

I recently became friends with JD Winteregg, through a politically active friend of mine, John LaRosa. Mr LaRosa is a partner in Four Tier Strategies, a political consulting firm.

Mr Winteregg is running in Ohio's 8th Congressional District. That's important to know because that is the current Speaker's district.

Yes, folks, JD has the audacity and the nerve to run against the allegedly second most politically powerful person in America. That's right. Someone finally has the guts to run against John Boehner and actually has a shot to win.

I know it is only the middle of May, but the Ohio Primary will be held on March 8, 2016, which is a little more than nine months away. And it will be here before you know it.

I have written about the Weeper of the House several times and have mentioned him in other commentaries many times. He is inept, weak, confused, misguided and actually does not understand his role under the Constitution.

I have to say that JD seems to be a breath of fresh air for Ohioans specifically and for Americans in general. Knowing John as I do, I can assure you that he would not risk his firm's resources and energies on one who did not have a chance to dethrone the Weeper.

So, to sum up. I think Mr Winteregg is the first of a new breed of men and women for this cycle who understand that the responsibility of an elected public servant is to serve the public who elected him, not the party bosses, or special interests.

He is a true Constitutionalist who understands that this is a Sacred Document which is not, as many in DC think including the current occupant of the White House, a suggestion list, to pick and choose which Article or section or clause to follow.

Just one point I need you to know. JD, like me and others like us, want the Congress to change the tax code to a Fair Tax, repeal the 16th Amendment and abolish the IRS.  That alone should be the reason to vote for him, whereas Rep Boehner favors the "old boy" system which continues to go along to get along with a proven failed tax system.

I hope you will join me in following JD as he marches on to the Republican primary next year. And if you live in Ohio's 8th District, please consider giving him your vote.

Don't do it for yourself, do it for your children and grandchildren. Someday, they will thank you for it.

It will be one of the most important votes you cast in 2016.

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