Sunday, February 22, 2015

A Reasoned Explanation for Blindness

I often wonder why people who voted for Obama twice defend him with such fervor. After all, even the Left Stream Media, which used to march in lockstep (or was it goose-step?) have begun to show cracks in the armor to defend their hero.

I recently had discussions with several friends who voted for the man I believe has shown he is, if not an outright traitor, one who is certainly bordering on treason with the way he continously violates his oath as President to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States". While many of us believe this document is our Core  Law, he and his henchmen, Jeh Johnson, John Kerry, and Eric Holder treat it like it is nothing more than a suggestion list.

The more I questioned why they so strongly defend him and his unconstitutional actions, the more shrill they became. I could not understand why such otherwise intelligent people so vehemently defended the Violator-In-Chief.

Until today.

It seems that these are the same people who castigated Nixon, Clinton and Bush, hated these men because they truly loved this country, sins and all. We are not a perfect country, far from it. But if you read the Preamble to the Constitution, the Framers understood we were human and indicated it with the words, "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Yes, friends, we are not perfect. But, even with our sins, and our warts and, our imperfect history, we are better than any country or empire that ever existed.

So then, why does this man think he has a responsibility to "fundamentally transform" this great nation of ours? And to those of you who support his agenda, how can you still think he is right?

Don't you see that he has violated even the preamble, let alone all seven Articles and all twenty-seven Amendments?

If the Weeper of the House had any courage at all, the House Judiciary Committee would be considering Article of Impeachment, just like it did for Nixon and Clinton. And these men have not nearly broken their oaths to "preserve, protect and defend" as this persona non grata has. But, I guess Boehner has committed some serious violations of his own. Must be the reason. Why else has he done NOTHING?

The reason Obama supporters still support this man is this: They have looked in the mirror and can't believe the person looking back could have been so duped by such empty words, actions unbecoming a President, and hypocrisy of the American media. They believed, blindly.

Trust me, my friends. We have all been embarrassed by our idealism. It is ok. You meant well.

Please be honest and admit this man needs to be removed for his wonton, criminal behaviorThat is the least you can do to save YOUR Posterity.

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