Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Case for President Romney

I have written many times in this forum and elsewhere that the term RINO disgusts meRINOs? Again!! I am a registered Republican, with strong Libertarian leanings, a Constitutionalist and a social moderateWhat in God's name does that make me?

That's right. I am a highly informed, free thinking, opinionated American voter.

I am not concerned with the rhetoric of the mainstream Republican Party. Chris Christie, for example, governs as he does because he is in a "blue" state. John Kasich deals with the fact that his state is "purple". Rick Perry and Jeb Bush are the men they are because they must appeal to their voters. And so on.

I will say that I am a huge fan of Allen West. But I realize that his chances are slim, at best, if he took my advice and ran for PresidentBen Carson is brilliant as a surgeon and quite an orator. But a Presidential candidate? Not for me. However, either would be great Vice Presidential candidates.

There have been rumblings building since the summer, hints that Mitt Romney may consider a third try for the brass ring. And of course, denial, denial, denial almost immediately follow.

This week, however, Mitt himself reached out to his donors to let them know he was contemplating another runTranslation: I am in it.

We seem to have forgotten that the late, great, Ronald Reagan ran in 1968 and 1976 before he finally won, BIG, in 1980. He was always considered "too conservative" until he won. And now, we want all our candidates to be Reaganesque. Sadly, there will be only one Reagan.

Back to Mitt. I supported him in 2008 until he dropped out and I voted for him, proudly, in 2012. If some others who didn't like him didn't stay home and instead, held their noses and voted for him, Barry would not now be destroying this country. President Romney would have already been fixing the nightmare caused from 2009 to 2012.

So, my challenge to all of you who despise Mitt is this: Will you stay home AGAIN and allow Hillary Clinton or Elizabeth Warren be our next President?

You know if that happens, the Obama agenda will become so ingrained, there will never be a chance to recover the America that once was. Twelve or sixteen years of a socialist policy will make us so different, we will not be able to remember when we were a free republic.

This time, my friends, please think of the rest of us, hold your nose and vote if Mitt is the Republican nominee. I will be holding my nose if Jeb or Rick or Chris wins the nomination. I did before in 2000 and voted against Al Gore. Believe me, as history played out later in 2001, I was glad I did.

Please think of what we did in 2012 or didn't do and the consequences which followed. Let us not repeat the same action and expect a different result.

It will only prove we are insane.

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