Today is September 30, which means there are only 92 more days left in this year. I don't know about you, but I can't wait for 2015 to be over.

As of today, with 92 days left this year plus all of 2016, which is 366 days long, and the first 19 1/2 days in 2017, this means there are only 477 1/2 days left in the Barry Soetoro Hussein Obama administration of the worst Presidency of our history. Not counting today.
Unless, of course, Barry does the unthinkable.
Just so you understand what I mean by "unthinkable", since this man has no regard for the Constitution, with all his executive orders and bully pulpit tactics, I believe the most "unthinkable" event he could execute, with no stopping by the current Congress, is for him to declare an executive order to strike down the Twenty-Second Amendment, then find some reason to cancel the November, 2016 election and finally declare martial law, leaving himself in power indefinitely.
If you don't think he would do this, then you are blinded by his bull$#!+ or naive, living in your fantasy reality TV world.
In either case, you haven't been paying attention.
His plan to "fundamentally transform" this country is working like a charm. He and his stooges are crying for the United States to take in all these Syrian "refugees" under the guise of humanitarian relief. But have you noticed that 75% or more are young men between the ages of 15 and 40? Where are the wives, the children, the grandparents, THE FAMILIES?
Doesn't that seem strange to you? It does to me.
Then, as part of his continual transformation, he will strike down all references to religious liberty in favor of secular requirements. If you think I am exaggerating, I offer you his most recent statement as proof:
"We affirm that we cherish our religious freedom and are profoundly respectful of religious traditions,” he insisted during a dramatic speech at a LGBT fundraiser in New York City on Sunday night, praising the progress made on gay rights under his administration. “But we also have to say clearly that our religious freedom doesn’t grant us the freedom to deny our fellow Americans their constitutional rights.”
It has been a slow process for him to get here, but he has beaten the drum for a year, with this statement as his most defining, anti-religious sentiment to date. For my friends who still consider themselves at least somewhat religious, don't you find your values a bit at odds with his? I do, and I am NOT religious by any stretch. But I do believe in the First Amendment and its discussion on the concept, Freedom OF Religion.
Sadly, this man has taken a double-sided view of this concept. He believes Christians and Jews in this country have no right to their beliefs, as those beliefs are contrary to his secular world view. But don't dare apply the same standards to those who practice Islam, for he has said, "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam."
He and his loyalists have beaten the drum about stripping our rights to own and possess guns. In case you forgot, Hitler and Stalin took away the guns from the masses "for their own protection." How did that work out?
My friends, I learned years ago to watch the actions of a man, as well as, listen to his words. This man has telegraphed this scenario for his entire Presidency and he has told you it would happen. I have been paying attention and I, and others, have tried to warn you.
Please, I ask you, open your eyes and see what is truly going on around you, and me, before it is too late.
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